new home

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I jumped up in excitement. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

Amara pov
(Trigger warning skip to "chapter: news reports" if you do get triggered by abuse or sexual mention)
I finished my shower then put on a big tshirt and small shorts underneath.
Billie came in "I'm going to miss you" she said with sadness,
I ignored her

I sure wont miss you

I thought to myself smirking as she hugged me.
"Time to go" Finneas said opening the door.
I took the bag Billie gave me and followed Finneas.
He took my wrist as we left the house. Fresh air filled my senses it felt so good. I haven't been outside in forever. We hoped into the van and drove a few hours. He gave me his phone to play on for the time, it of course had no wifi so i played games the whole time. Then he pulled up to a small house that looked kind of abandoned I was starting to worry but not giving up hope.
I handed Finneas his phone back, exchanging goodbyes as I grabbed my bag and headed in the house. My heart was racing.

They got to be better than Billie

I thought hopeful
Before I could knock, a man opened the door. He looked to be about in his late 30's or or early 40's
"Hello" he widely grins grabbing me pulling me in.
"H-hi" I smiled hoping he was nice
"How are you baby" he flirted
My heart dropped

I was disgusted. He has the nerve to call me baby?

I didn't think about the bad things about being sent away I only thought the good things..which was a mistake.
I ignored him feeling sick to my stomache.
"ANSWER ME NOW." he yelled grabbing my throat
"g-ood" I lied trying to squeeze my words out through his grip.
He let go allowing me to breath. I gasped for air starting to have a panic attack. I still couldn't breath even though his grip was off. "Ill show you your room" he smirked not caring if I was having a panic attack. I collapsed on the floor trying to calm down. Which worked.
He grabbed my hair yanking me upstairs which was 10× harder than Billies.
He opened a door which was dark and extremely depressing wood boarded up all over. Then in the middle was a bed with chains all around it. "That's where we have fun" he smiled clearly getting excited. I felt like I was going to throw up. He then led me down the haul into a small closet, which was a bit smaller than the secret hole. "That's your room" it had no blankets or pillows.
"Now time to eat" he said grabbing my hand
I felt relieved cause I was starving
But When i'm nervous I don't eat.
He opened the freezer and pulled out something frozen. I stood there waiting. He came out and set a bowl of moldy mac n cheese in front of me. I felt sick to my stomache.

Sorry this chapter is really intense but comment your thoughts!!♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now