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"Dont pull anything" she whispered letting my hand go.

Amara pov

I smiled letting go I knew there was another exit to the other side of the mall in this restroom so I was fine.
I exited the bathroom and asked someone to borrow their phone. I called my parents. They were so happy to hear from me and I was too. My heart was beating so fast. I was PRAYING Billie wouldn't see me outside. Then a car pulled up, it was my parents. I jumped in and we drove back home to where my life should be.

Billies pov

"Don't pull anything" I said hoping she wouldn't follow Amara's footsteps in that dumb shit
"Ok" she smiled sweetly making me kind of suspicious. After five minutes I kind of regretted not going in there with her. 10 minutes had passed. I peeked in "Adalya??" I called out checking all the stalls
I panicked where tf did she go??
The awful "exit" sign displayed on the other side of the bathroom.

Fuck. She escaped.

I wasn't about to go find her with her not with 10 minutes she had to get away.
I couldn't believe it.

Amara pov

I heard the door slam and an angry Billie stomped up the stairs..I mean REALLY angry.
"I layed down pretending to take a nap on my free time.
The door cracked open and closed again.
I sighed in relief, it wasn't about me for once.
"Dinner" Billie called up more stressed sounding than usual
I came down kind of scared of Billie at the moment. Corn on the cob, noodles with some type of sauce, and a side of salad.
Every night was a wonderful suprise.
Adalya still wasn't here. We started without her

Maybe she's sick? Maybe she's being punished? Maybe she's sleeping?

I shrugged taking a big bite off the corn.
"We could be at major risk" Billie says buttering her corn.
"She escaped huh" Finneas remarked
The fact that they were talking quietly made me suspicious but the word escaped did Adalya fucking escape??
I sat eating my food evsdropping on the whole conversation.
"If she keeps her mouth shut we should be ok" Billie said
"If you here anything we need to pack and go down to the other house. It's not as nice but it will do" Finneas says looking concerned
They all nodded.
I just sat there innocently eating my corn. Not believing she acually escaped but how??
"Go clean yourself up and get ready for bed k?" Billie ordered collecting plates. I nodded and sprinted upstairs excited to go to bed. I was acually not minding it here. The food was amazing, my schedule was pretty layed back considering I would have been in school instead, and Billie was nice finally, except for when she was really stressed, like now.

No cliff hanger rn but there will be moree comment your thoughts and dont forget to vote<33

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now