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I ran like I never had before, almost out of sight of the house. I heard a car start.

I jumped off the road and hid behind a tree stump with some leaves covering me. I was shaking so much.
Thankfully he drove right by me.

I escaped.

I felt a rush of happiness but I wasn't out of the woods yet. If I kept going he could turn around and spot me so I just stayed there.
    I ran into the woods more starting to make my way back. I headed straight from where the dirt road was, not caring if I got lost. I didn't notice it was starting to get dark. I ended up on the dirt road after hours of walking then in the distance I saw head lights. I quickly jumped to the side of the road, my heart beating out of my chest. As I looked closer i noticed it wasnt his truck but whos was it? It couldnt be.. Billie?
I saw a female silhouette driving. It was billie.
I ran out and violently waved my arms till the vehicle stopped. Billie ran over and gave me a big hug. I have never been more happy in my life to see someone. "Are you ok?!" she asked, her eyes searching me for answers.
I shook my head violently as tears flew out when i did so. She took my hand and lead me back to the van. "I'm so sorry I let you go there" she said about to cry "did he do anything sexual??" She asked panicked
"almost, but I escaped" I replied through sobs
She leaned in for a hug from the front seat. We drove home back to the house as she explained what happend "His place was listed as a camp for naughty teens it was supposed to be your punishment if you pissed me off enough and I guess I didnt research enough. A few hours after we sent you there I was looking up his record and apparently he was in jail over 6 times because of sex trafficking, abuse, rape, and murder. I came back to get you as soon as possible, and saw you on the road." she said upset
I was so happy to be in her hands again. I was such a brat before.
We arrived back and she took my hand and led me up to bed. She kissed my forehead. I took everything for granted my modern room with nice furniture, food, good schedule, and the people that actually cared about me. I almost spent the rest of my life with a psychopath who wanted to use me for sex.

Hope you like it so far♡♡ ik intense!! Don't forget to vote:)

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now