mixed emotions

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"Because I needed a break of getting yelled at and having to d chores" I said looking sad expecting her to feel bad for me, but her reaction wasn't what I was expecting..

Amara pov

She looked at me annoyed "that's your reason?" She scoffs
"Yea" I said suprised
"I yell at you cause you deserve it and what do you expect me to do let you sleep all day while I prepare food and cloths for you??" She said her jaw clenched in anger
I honestly gave up thinking she was going to change.
"Answer me! I asked you a question" she shouted
"No I just- I-I don't know" I said out of breath trying to hold my tears back
She grabbed my jaw forcing me to look up at her which made a tear come down and land in her palm "Just do what your told and you won't get consequences" she said snapped, looking down intimidating me.
I slowly nodded my head with her still gripping my jaw.
She took her hands off hugging me again.
"Make up your mind!" I yelled
"Excuse me?" She hissed
"Either be nice or mean a I dont care make up your mind!" I yelled sobbing,
I felt heat on my cheek

She slapped me

"You don't ever talk to me like that EVER!" she hissed
I attempted to slap her back but she caught my wrist.
"Give me your other. Now." she demanded holding her hand out.
I refused dodging it from her other hand as she tried to grab it.
"GIVE ME YOUR WRIST" she yelled
I gave it to her giving up
She tied them together and yanked the rope which pulled me close to her. "Your going somewhere else for awhile" she whispers in a threatening voice

What was that supposed to mean?? Was she sending me away? I'm sure they won't be as mean as Billie..

I was kind of excited I was going to get away from this awful place.
    I layed my head down relaxed.
I woke up to Billie coming into my room with a bag. I open my eyes just enough so I can see, but still looks like i'm sleeping. I felt Billie stroke my hair and whisper "Its time to go" was she really sending me away? I guess so i slightly smiled to myself with joy, knowing I would get out of here, and have a better life with someone who would treat me well.
    "I packed some cloths and food for you" she said slightly smiling placing the bag on the floor.
She untied my wrists and lifted me up. "Go get a shower before you leave" she commanded leaving the room.
I jumped up in excitement. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

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