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"Go ahead. Pull the trigger. But after you do, bub…then you're mine."

Bella's POV

"If spring training goes well, we could be moving to Florida-"

"Please insert $1.25 for an additional three minutes," an automated voice interrupted.

"Renee, where's your cell?" I asked, amused.

"Don't laugh; I didn't lose my power chord. It ran away! Screaming. I literally repel technology."

I sighed. "I miss you."

Renee made an "aw" sound and said, "I miss you too. So tell me, how's your school? Are there any cute boys?"

"Well," I laid myself down on my new bed and stared at the ceiling. "There's this one guy in my biology class-"

Renee gasped. "What's his name? Is he cute? How old is he?"

I laughed. "His name is Edward Anthony Masen the Second, or Edward Cullen. He's a foster kid. I don't know what happened to his parents, but he seems like an okay guy. He's about eighteen, I think." I paused. "He's gorgeous!" I lapsed into giggles. "I mean, my God, he has this really wild brown-red hair and these really dark golden eyes. I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's just too hot for words!"

"Wow, he sounds like something special." I could hear Renee's smile through the phone. "I've gotta go. I'll call you again soon. Have fun at school. I want to hear more about this boy later."

"Thanks. Bye."

I hopped off my bed and checked the time. Renee had called me just before 5:00 a.m. She was in a different time zone. I didn't mind. One good thing about rapid regeneration abilities was that I don't need as much sleep. I figured I could go outside for a run. Charlie wouldn't be up for at least another hour.

I crept over to my window and slid it open. It squealed and I checked to make sure Charlie hadn't heard anything. I would oil it later. I checked outside to make sure no one was awake and launched myself onto the tree branch. I took another long look around before letting myself fall silently to the ground. There was forest everywhere, so I had my pick of coverage. I took off behind the house; I turned into a blur as I raced through the forest. On instinct, I began to head closer to Mason County. I stopped short when I smelled something that didn't belong.

I twisted around; trying to locate the direction the smell had come from. It was faint, obviously an old scent. I couldn't identify it. It smelled…like Edward, but not like him. Perhaps they were of the same…species?

I shook my head. I needed to get back to Charlie's place before he discovered I was missing.

I headed back through the forest, trying to convince myself that there was no reason to be frightened.

Edward's POV

I found that I was more impatient than usual to get to school. I tried to convince myself that it was just my desire to protect my family from exposure that I wanted to speak with Bella and not anything to do with her obvious intelligence, as well as her kindness to those less deserving.

I was failing miserably.

My eyes snapped up as I heard the familiar rumbling of a motorcycle engine. Sure enough, Bella pulled into the parking lot not a moment later. She skidded to a stop just a few spaces down from me. I wondered if it was coincidence.

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