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Bella's POV

On the final day of our training, I came up with a plan.

I stood next to Edward, watching Jasper and Emmett's third fight of the night. I'd spent most of the afternoon conked out in the backseat of Edward's car. I was so tired that I hadn't even dreamed. When I woke up, I had an idea, one that would please Edward, but also pleased me.

The newborns would be coming the next day, at around 10:30 p.m. That meant I didn't have much time.

I leaned closer to Edward and mumbled to him. "I think you're right about me not fighting," I said.

It was enough to get a reaction out of him. He'd been sullen and tense ever since Tuesday. He looked over at me, hope in his eyes. The happiness dimmed a little as he saw my expression. "What's the catch?" he asked.

"Let me explain," I told him, aware of our audience even if they were polite enough not to stare. "The wolves smell bad to you, right?"

I heard Jacob snort from across the field, but I ignored that.

Edward nodded slowly.

"So, if I was surrounded by their scent, do you think any newborns would even want to come near me?"

He frowned. "You're not fighting with them," he ordered.

I kept myself from bristling. "I didn't mean that. I meant…maybe me and Jacob could set up a place for me to stay while the fighting's going on. His scent would repel the newborns…no offence."

"And?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And…if any newborns do happen to come my way, I get first dibs," I said.

Edward mulled it over. "I'd still prefer it if you left town, but I suppose it's acceptable."

"Seth can watch her," Jacob said, appearing beside me in his human form. "We're leaving some of the younger kids at home, but Seth wants to get in on the action, even if it is just a babysitting job."

I poked him in the chest. "I do not need to be babysat."

"I think it's a good idea," Edward said, grudging respect in his tone.

"Or, I could just go to Seattle tonight and kill them all myself," I said sarcastically.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Bella," he complained.

"Seth can give you updates on the fighting," Jacob said. "If it looks like somebody needs help, you could come out and help."

Edward glared at him, but I tapped my chin thoughtfully. "That's a fair compromise."

Edward seemed torn.

"Come on, they're all heading your way. I'll be fine. Me and Seth can set up a bonfire or something. You know, roast marshmallows, tell scary stories." I smirked. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Don't tempt fate," Edward said, rolling his eyes.

"Sounds like a plan. I know a place we could hide her. It's a cave, plenty of shelter," Jacob said.

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