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Bella's POV

I gripped Edward's hand as the plane began to descend.

"Ow!" he hissed.

I immediately released him and gave him a sympathetic look. Unfortunately, that also gave me a view of the steadily approaching ground and I dropped my head between my knees. "Say anything to Victor and you're gonna be floating home."

Edward chuckled and rubbed my back soothingly. "Relax, love, I won't tell a soul."

One of the flight attendants approached me cautiously. "E voce bom?" she asked. (It means are you well? in Portuguese, I think. I couldn't figure out how to get the accents in)

"Eu serei fino," I replied weakly. (I will be fine.)

The woman nodded and walked to her seat. She buckled herself in as the plane touched down. I allowed myself to breathe as we began piling out of the plane. The warm, Rio air calmed my stomach down. Edward and I walked through the streets and hailed a taxi. The sun still had yet to rise, but I could still make out Edward's face in the darkness.

We raced through the streets and I leaned my head against Edward's shoulder. I was getting tired. I hadn't slept the night before the wedding, and it was approaching twenty-four hours since we got on the plane. I would need some coffee, a lot of coffee.

The taxi stopped at the docks and I stared at the black water with fascination. There was something about an ocean at night that made the world seem so magical. My mother used to take me swimming at night when I was a little girl.

Edward paid the fare and we headed down to a yacht. Edward hopped in and I followed. Curiosity about where we were headed bloomed anew now that I wasn't worried about the plane. I wanted to ask Edward, but decided against it. I had a feeling that Edward wouldn't tell me anyway.

We took off and I hung off the side, searching for dolphins or whales, or at least some fish. None of them surfaced, but I detected a school of them swimming about twenty feet below the surface. I giggled and waved at them, not caring if I looked like an idiot. I was feeling way to blissful to concern myself with the prejudice of others. I jumped on the railing and began walking along, keeping my balance even as the boat lurched and manoeuvred around rocks.

I was having so much fun, that I didn't even see the island until Edward pointed it out. I looked at him curiously.

"That is Isle Esme."

I somehow managed not to fall off the edge of the boat. "Isle Esme?" I repeated.

"It was a gift from Carlisle. Esme let us borrow it."

"Of course it's a gift. Husbands give islands to their wives all the time," I said dully. "Hell, Victor wanted to give Kayla the world. Really, this isn't fazing me in the slightest."

Edward laughed as we docked. He grabbed the suitcases and beckoned me to follow him. I did so, still reeling at the thought of Carlisle giving Esme an island. I hadn't realized Edward's generosity was a learned behaviour.

We walked through a forest toward a huge house. I listened to the sounds of the animals that surrounded the area. Edward wouldn't have any trouble with getting hungry. I smirked as we approached the house. Edward opened the door and we walked inside. The inside décor was the standard for my vampire family; white with glass walls.

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