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Victor's POV (You're freaking out right now, aren't you?)

Friday, June 11th, 2010.

That Alice kid was probably the most hyperactive vampire on the planet. I mean I loved the girl, it was hard not to, but I was pretty sure that if she'd been born eighteen years ago for real, she'd be on some heavy-duty Ritalin. The fact that vampires never slept or even really tired out meant that she could go full speed all night. She was determined to make the Cullen's party the most memorable event in Forks' history. Considering how exciting the place was, I felt she went a little overboard with her planning.

But no way in hell was I mentioning it!

The two boys, Emmett and Jasper, (who was around my age) were loads of fun. If I had a nickel for every time one of them put a hole in the wall, I'd have $3.25. That's sixty-five holes.

Esme was a doll. I didn't think anyone could be that nice. With all she'd been through, it was a wonder she still bothered to try. And her cooking was awesome.

Carlisle; now there was a strange fellow; a four-hundred-year-old vampire who worked at a dingy little hospital in some nowhere town just so his vampire kids could go to school and pretend to be normal. If that didn't make you go huh then there was something wrong with your head.

Rosalie wasn't the most likable person. She certainly didn't like me, that's for sure, and she wasn't that impressed with Bella either. Probably wasn't used to someone else getting all the attention.

Edward, well, Bella had changed a lot after she met him. She was happier. I guessed that meant I couldn't break his neck if he did something stupid, not that that would do much to a vampire. Besides, Bella already had a guy looking out for her. That Charlie Swan treated her like his own daughter. Probably because they were alike in their quiet ways, you know, when they weren't yelling at everyone.

I was invited to stay over at the Cullen place for as long as I wanted. Once I got used to the fact that no one was too secretive about their sex lives, I adjusted. I tried to help out around the house. I didn't want to act like a moocher or something. Emmett was a big slouch when it came to chores. The guy had too much fun acting his body's age. The only thing that could pry him away from his video games was Rosalie, and that wasn't exactly the lesser of two evils.

"Hey Uncle Victor!" Bella called. She ran up to me and waved her diploma under my nose. "Have you ever thought about getting your high school equivalency? You could get a real job and stop mooching off my family." She whacked my shoulder with the rolled up paper and glared at me.

I gave her my most innocent look. "Cripes, kiddo! At my age? I don't even know what kids study anymore. Besides, I don't need a high school diploma for my job."

She gave me a serious frown and it looked like she was about to start lecturing when we both heard the first cars arrive. The party was about to begin. She gave me a warning glance and left to find Edward. I crashed on the couch next to Emmett and grabbed the remote.

"Hey!" he said. His bottom lip actually stuck out a little and I had to laugh.

"Your guests are arriving, Slim. You best get ready." He zipped upstairs to change. I turned to the nature channel and watched as a lion took down a gazelle. Bored, I flipped it to the health channel and watched as some woman carved up a corpse to figure out how it died. I rolled my eyes and shut the dang thing off.

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