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Bella's POV

Garrett leaned in close to me and sniffed my neck. His ruby eyes widened and he lifted a hand to run it through his sandy blond hair. "Nope, you are definitely not human," he said.

I snorted, an action that was shared by a good portion of the vampires in the living room with me, as well as Remy and Victor. Vick looked up at me from his spot on my knee and rolled his eyes. Carlie giggled and reached up to touch my face, replaying the moment in her mind. I smiled at them.

"I told you," Edward said smugly. "I wouldn't have asked anyone if we felt that Bella or the babies would be in danger. As you can tell, she doesn't smell very appetizing." He grinned.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Neither do you, you smart-as-aleck," I quickly corrected, remembering the twins. With Vick, it was difficult to protect him from Emmett's dirty mind, and Rosalie's cursing, but I felt it was good to teach them how to be polite. Unfortunately, that meant I had to clean up my own language. Oh, the sacrifices you made when you had children!

Edward grinned, perfectly aware as to what I was doing. Vick stuck his tongue out as well, showing his support for me.

"Such a mama's boy," Victor commented lazily. He was leaning against the doorway, near the Denali sisters.

"I'm not a mama's boy, I'm a ladies man," Vick corrected smugly, his green eyes flashing.

I burst out laughing. Remy and several of the less tense vampires joined in. Carlie swatted at her brother half-heartedly.

Garrett and the Denalis were only a small portion of our guests. The living room and dining room were almost completely filled with vampires, both nomads and covens. The rest of my new family had returned, aside from Alice and Jasper.

In total, there were nineteen vampires in the house, not counting the Cullens. Most of them were in covens, but others, like Garrett, were wanderers.

And out of all of them, seven had extra gifts.

Zafrina, a member of the Amazon Coven, could make you see things that weren't real. Victor, Vick, and I were immune, something that she found amusing. It was the first time her ability didn't work.

I already knew what Eleazar and Kate could do. They were powerful in their own right, but Benjamin from the Egyptian Coven overshadowed their abilities. From what Edward had told me, Benjamin could influence the elements. Remy said he reminded him of a mutant named Avalanche. He was some teenage boy who could create earthquakes with his mind. I was almost tempted to ask Remy to go look for him, but I figured were we already pushing it with Remy, Victor and me. Any more mutants and the Volturi would probably get spooked.

The Irish Coven had Maggie, a cute redhead who could tell when people were lying. I couldn't see her being much use in a fight, but Carlisle assured me that he would do everything he could to prevent violence. Siobhan, also from the Irish Coven, was adamant that she didn't have any ability. According to Carlisle, though, she could influence the outcome of events. I wasn't so sure about that, but I wasn't going to argue with him.

None of the American Nomads had any extra powers, but Alistair, a European Nomad, was a Tracker, like James, only less of an asshole and more of the misanthropic variety. He spent his days in the attic, mumbling to himself.

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