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Victor's POV

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

Bella was up to something.

I might've never spent much time with her overall, but I knew her well enough to know when something fishy was going on with her. There was just something about the way she looked at everyone, sorta happy, but at the same time, so worried. She worked herself to the point of exhaustion, and then some, yet a few hours later, she was running full speed again, training with Kate and Zafrina all night long.

I figured it was better to keep my mouth shut about it. She'd never admit that anything was wrong in front of her kids, or anyone else for that matter.

I was glad when she invited me to go visit Charlie. With all the non-vegetarian vampires running around, Grandpa Charlie hadn't had much time to bond with the pipsqueaks. Jake and Leah were coming too.

I wasn't too sure about the whole, letting Charlie in on anything, but Bella trusted him, and that was good enough for me…for now.

We piled into Emmett's jeep. I didn't fit too well in any of the other cars the Cullens owned. The jeep was roomy, even with six people inside.

Correction; two mutants, two shape-shifters, and two half-vampire, half-mutant toddlers.

Jacob took a deep breath and let it out with a whoosh and a smile. "That's better. I'm getting so sick of all these reeking blood-suckers."

I didn't bother to point out that the object of his infatuation was half-said-bloodsucker. Some things were best left alone when dealing with bad-tempered shape-shifters.

Bella had no such inhibition. "They're here to help, Jake," she said sternly, speeding through the streets with the steering wheel held tight between her fingers.

"Sure, sure," Jacob said, his answer to her every complaint. "Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular."

"Amen," Leah murmured. Her eyes were closed and her hand held her head up. She looked like she could use a nap.

Bella cracked a smile. "I don't disagree with you there. But please, try to be tolerant for a little while longer."

Jake sighed and leaned his head against the dashboard. Carlie sat beside him, and she reached up to touch his face. He grimaced. "I don't see why you like them," he answered.

"They're interesting," Vick replied. He sat in between Leah and me. I suppose we should've got them some car seats or something, but it wasn't exactly high on our list of priorities.

I chuckled. Sure, if you were into B-rated horror movies. I wondered if he'd enjoy watching the old Nightmare On Elm Street series.

We pulled up to Charlie's house. I could smell something good coming from the kitchen. Sue, Leah and Seth's mom, must've come over to bond over their supernatural kids or something. They were weird like that.

Charlie came outside before we even opened the door. He saw the twins and held out his arms. He picked Carlie up and hugged her to his chest. "Man, oh man, Bells! They're getting so big!" For a second, his forehead seemed to wrinkle with worry, but he quickly masked it. "Hey, Vick, ready to throw around a football yet?" he asked with a grin.

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