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Bella's POV

I arrived at Edward's place and was pleased to find that the rest of the Cullens had arrived home. I shut off my motorcycle and climbed off. I didn't bother knocking as I stepped inside the house.

Jasper looked up as I approached the couch and sat down. I wondered what emotions he was getting from me. I was feeling pretty numb. "Are you alright, Bella?" Jasper asked. Alice whizzed over and stood in front of me. Her eyes narrowed.

"What's going on, Bella?" she demanded. I could only assume she'd seen Laurent and those giant wolves.

I realized I was probably in shock. I clasped my hands together and leaned forward until my forehead touched them. "Is there any rational reason as to why the Quileute boys are turning into giant wolves and chasing down vampires?" I finally asked.

I didn't see it, but I was pretty sure Alice's mouth dropped open. Rosalie and Emmett sped into the living room and stared at me. Their clothes were a little dishevelled and I tried not to think about what they were doing before. Edward was suddenly right beside me, holding my face in his hands. "What?" he asked.

I was beginning to feel my emotions again. Mostly, I was freaked. "I think that I just saw a pack of werewolves chase down Laurent," I said. My eyes widened as I realized what I'd said. "Would someone please tell me that werewolves don't exist?" I pleaded.

The vampires in the room froze, their faces went blank and their eyes widened in shock. Nobody volunteered to answer my question.

The tension was too much for me. I jumped to my feet, startling everyone. "What is wrong with this town?" I yelled. "First I find out that you guys are vampires, and now the guys from La Push are turning into werewolves!"

I suddenly remembered the conversation I'd had with Jake a million years ago. I was digging around for information on the Cullens only to have him start spouting nonsense about wolves and a treaty between Jacob's great-grandfather and the Cullens.

I sat down. "Holy crap," I muttered.

Alice's eyes glazed over. Edward looked at her, his brow furrowed. "I can't see anything," Alice gasped. "Are you sure you weren't just hallucinating?" she asked.

I glared at her. "I know what I saw."

Carlisle walked over to me. "Start over, what did you see?"

I took a deep breath. "I was hanging out with Jake. He was working on his car. He sort of…kicked the passenger's door and left this huge dent. It was really weird, but I didn't think too much of it. I started joking around with him and then we started wrestling. I was totally winning, but Jake wasn't giving up. He noticed my ring and I told him that I was engaged. He started to get really angry, and then his friend, Embry showed up and told me I should leave."

I paused, remembering. "He smelled really weird; both of them did actually. I went to the meadow and then Laurent found me."

Edward growled. "What was he doing out here?"

My eyes narrowed. "He said he was here as a favour for Victoria."

Alice sat down next to me. "Victoria?" she asked.

I nodded. "Apparently, she's very upset with Edward about James." Edward hissed. "She figures that since Edward killed James, she should kill me. A mate for a mate."

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