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Bella's POV

Thursday March 4th, 2010.

My name is Bella Logan. My buddies back in the Wars called me Wolverine. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best…isn't shopping.

Alice had me try on more than twenty dresses for the Spring Dance that Friday. We still hadn't found anything that suited me.

Charlie was glad when I came back. I pleaded temporary insanity and implied that my female hormones had gone out of whack. He just wanted to forget the whole incident. That was fine by me.

"What about this one?" Alice asked, holding up yet another dress. This one was gold. I studied it, trying to be unbiased.

I took the dress from Alice and held it up to my front. I checked the mirror. The neckline was a little too low, and it didn't even reach my mid-thighs, but I liked it. I figured that in this day and age, some other girl was bound to be wearing something worse. Plus, it was on sale.

"I like it," I told her.

"You like the price tag," Alice corrected. "Of course, with your figure, every dress looks good on you."

I looked down. "What figure?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and I stuck my tongue out at her. We dissolved into giggles.

Alice's eyes glazed over and she let out a shriek. She slammed a hand over her mouth, but not before I caught the smile on her face.

"What?" I asked. Alice shook her head and pantomimed zipping her lips shut.

"Edward will murder me," she explained. I rolled my eyes at her and took another look at the dress. "It's your size. I can see that it will be perfect."

I smiled. "Yeah," I agreed. We headed for the cash register and Alice somehow conned me into letting her pay for it. She reasoned that it was the least she could do for making me spend a whole afternoon with Rosalie.

Rosalie thus far had been silent. She'd sat, glaring at me from a yellow plastic chair. When she heard Alice, she growled lowly in her direction. Alice bubbled over with laughter and pulled her sister into a hug. Rosalie pouted but acquiesced.

We headed outside with our bags, Alice allowed me to carry hers to the car to make up for spending her money. Alice found my eager-to-please attitude refreshing. She told me that I made up for Edward's grouchiness. Even Rosalie cracked a smile as she said that.

We were cutting it close, the Dance was tomorrow, but I was reluctant to leave Charlie, even for a trip to Seattle. Now that he'd finally figured out that I wasn't taking off again, he'd settled down.

I looked around as we crossed the street to Alice's new Porsche, a birthday gift from Edward. I stuffed the bags into the trunk and then I smelled something. It was an old scent, but it was the kind I had become accustomed to.


"Alice, do you smell that?" I whispered, knowing she would hear.

Alice poked her head out of her window and inhaled. Her eyes narrowed. "Get in the car, Bella. We're going home."

I let myself into the backseat. Rosalie's temporary ease was replaced by a scowl. Her eyes whipped around vigilantly. Alice started the car and we raced back to the Cullen's house.

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