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Bella's POV

"I have a date with Edward Cullen," I said. In retrospect, I probably should have waited until Charlie put his gun down.

"Isn't he a little old for you?" Charlie asked. He stopped cleaning the inside of his shotgun and turned to look at me.

"We're the same age, Charlie," I moaned, trying to sound like a regular teenager instead of an old lady.

"I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town."

"Edward doesn't live in town." That was true…sort of. Edward's house was definitely not down the street like everything else in Forks. I glanced behind me, hearing the sounds of Edward's impatience. He hadn't stopped grinning the whole morning. I couldn't decide if it was our impending engagement, or his eagerness to watch me play baseball.

I'm getting married.

I had to fight the grin that threatened to burst onto my face. "He's right outside."

"He is?" Charlie asked, looking pained.

"He wanted to meet you…officially."

Charlie sighed. "Alright," He snapped the barrel of the gun back into place. "Bring him in." He set the gun down onto the dining room table.

"Be nice," I warned. "He's important." I probably shouldn't go into detail about how important for at least six months, when I'll have legally graduated…again.

Charlie twirled a finger over his head, making the sign of a halo.

"Finally," I heard Edward mumble. I hushed him and let him inside.

"Chief Swan," he said respectfully. He was dressed in an unnecessary warm jacket. "I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen."

"Hi Edward," Charlie said, shaking his hand briefly. I noticed that he flinched ever so slightly when he touched him.

"Bella won't be out too late tonight. She's just going to play baseball with my family."

Charlie looked at me. "You never told me you played baseball." His words were almost accusing. I figured that Edward's charm hadn't worked on him as well as he was used to, because Edward shifted uncomfortably.

I shrugged. "Phil taught me. I'm not really that good, though." I pleaded mentally with him to shut up.

Charlie scratched behind his ear. "Well, good luck with that," he finally said.

"Don't worry Chief; I'll take good care of her." I led him out to the entranceway, only for Charlie to call me back.

"You still got that pepper spray?" he asked.

I heard Edward chuckling outside. "Yeah, but I'm not going to need it. I can take him." Edward's laughter cut off as he heard that.

I walked outside and Edward wrapped an arm around my waist. I brushed it off. "Easy, Tiger, you don't want the Chief to see you sexually assaulting me this early. And since when do vampires like baseball?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

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