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Bella's POV

Waking up wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The Cullens had been insightful enough to keep the light off in the operating room, so I didn't wake up with burning corneas. For a second, I listened to the sound of my own heartbeat, determining that I was indeed alive.

Then I shot up into a sitting position.

"My baby!" I said hoarsely, wrapping my hands around my flat stomach.

Edward was there almost before I finished my sentence. He touched my face with one hand and held my hand with the other. "Everything's alright. They're okay," he soothed. He was looking at me like her expected me to disappear at any moment.

I registered the words alright and okay before I realized something else. "They?" I questioned, a knot forming in my stomach.

I stared in stunned fascination as Edward smiled. "Twins; one boy. and one girl. They're perfect."

"Jeez, Edward, don't give them an ego complex!" Emmett shouted from downstairs. I heard the familiar sound of him being hit by Rosalie and laughed.

"So I was half-right about it being a boy." I stood up. I looked down, noticing that someone had dressed me while I was out. I had on a dark blue blouse and a pair of designer jeans. I frowned at those, thinking of the money they had wasted, but then shrugged. It was one of the perks of being a Cullen.

"Here," Edward said, holding out a glass with amber liquid in it. "Victor said you would want this."

I took the drink, sniffing it. "Whiskey. The man knows me." I took a huge gulp and sighed. "I missed that."

Edward smiled at me, but there was something a little off about it.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suspicious.

"Nothing's wrong exactly, but we should probably go downstairs." I didn't trust him on the whole wrong thing, but I followed him as he led me into the living room.

Remy, Emmett and Jasper were currently engaged in a game of cards. Judging from the amount of poker chips Remy had, he was winning. Emmett looked frustrated and Jasper seemed to be gauging Remy's mood. I knew it was useless. Win or lose, Remy was always calm.

Alice sat on the couch, reading a fashion magazine. Every few minutes, she would look up and mouth the names of Remy's cards to Jasper. It didn't seem to be helping much.

Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle were hovering by the window. I looked outside and saw the most beautiful sight in the world.

Victor, Jacob, Leah, and Seth were outside. Leah was in a new pair of jeans and a tank top. Jacob was wearing brown sweatpants and a wife beater. Seth was dressed similarly to Jacob, only his pants were black. Victor wore a blue plaid shirt and black cargo pants.

I took this all in absently, for my attention was on the two little angels they surrounded.

I walked to the window slowly. Victor looked up and grinned. He picked up my little boy - Vick - and headed inside. Jacob picked up my little girl - Carlie and followed after him. Once inside, Jacob handed Carlie to Edward. I stood there, staring at them.

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