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Victor's POV

For the next few days, things settled down a bit. Bella continued practicing her shield and I went back to lazing about. The one good thing about vampire guests was that I didn't have to give up my spot on the couch whenever I felt like a nap. Alice and Jasper's bed was free, but it didn't seem right to use it. Besides, I knew exactly what they did on their own time, and I had no desire to find the evidence.

On New Year's Eve, I saw it.

"It's snowing," I announced. The whole household heard me, and they knew what it meant. Vick clutched at my pants and I scooped him up onto my lap. "Okay, you know the plan, right kiddo? I take the sixty on the left; you take the sixty on the right. When we get through crushing the pansies, we'll go to the McDonalds with the play place, and you'll help me scope out a few single moms."

He laughed and leaned his head against my stomach. A few of our guests laughed too, but most of them just gave me dirty looks, especially the ladies. I guess Vick got his charms from his Daddy.

"You're a riot, Victor," Bella deadpanned. She was still a little pissed at me about the whole revealing-her-most-embarrassing-secret, but at least she was talking to me now.

"Yep," I agreed. "So, do we leave tonight?" I looked at Carlisle. He and Esme stood by the stairs, staring into each other's eyes. It was kind of awkward, but I remembered what Kayla and me had, so I kept my mouth shut.

Carlisle pursed his lips in thought. "Alice said that there was snow on the ground in her vision. We should probably stay away from the town if Demetri is tracking us right now."

Edward got up off his piano bench and Bella followed in sync. "That's a good idea," he said. "The last thing we want is them to knock on our door while we're unprepared." His eyes lit up in a way that let me know he was thinking of something important. "Alice's vision took place in the field where we fought the newborn army. We should leave now if we want to be there when they arrive."

I saw everyone tense, and wondered how dedicated this motley crew was to standing up against these Volturi guys.

"I'm in!" I yelled, startling everyone as I jumped to my feet with Vick in my arms. "This'll be a blast, kiddo. Your mom and I used to camp out almost every night back in the day. Hey!" I looked over to Bella with a grin. "Remember when we ran outta toilet paper, and Wade went and used poison ivy to wipe?"

She burst out laughing, grabbing onto Edward's shoulder as she folded in half, clutching her stomach. "Oh, god, yes! I caught him using one of his swords to scratch." She snickered. "He went a whole day without talking to me. It was beautiful."

I sighed. "Yeah, good old Wade. Too bad, he bit the bullet. Ah well, Stryker could use the company."

"An eternity with Wade? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

I shrugged. "So, we going or what?" I asked, looking around the room. The vamps looked a little more composed by now.

Edward smirked at me. He knew what was up. "I think that's a very good idea. Let's go."

"You guys go ahead," Bella said quickly. She strode over to me and held her arms out. Vick jumped into her embrace and she turned around. "Vick and I will go wake up Remy. We'll be there in a little while."

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