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Edward's POV

Jane's eyes landed on the newborn. "It would be helpful if you could provide me with an explanation, Carlisle Cullen."

"She has surrendered," Carlisle answered.

Jane looked at him. Her thoughts told me she was confused. I was extremely aware of Bella standing behind me. She stayed quiet, and I was grateful for that. If we could just keep their attention on the newborn, they might not even notice her. "Surrendered?" Jane asked. Her dull voice became more expressive.

"I gave her the option," Carlisle said.

"There are no options for those who break the rules." I felt Bella stiffen behind me. I could predict the reason. She felt sorry for the girl. How she could pity the ones who were created to kill her was beyond me.

"That's in your hands," Carlisle told her. He didn't want to appear presumptuous. He was quite aware of Jane's power. "As long as she was willing to halt her attack on us, I saw no need to destroy her. She was never taught."

"That is irrelevant."

"As you wish," Carlisle acquiesced.

Jane stared at Carlisle. Her childish thoughts suddenly became wry with amusement. "Aro hoped we would get far enough west to see you, Carlisle. He sends his regards."

Carlisle nodded. "I would appreciate it if you would convey mine to him."

"Of course," Jane said. She smiled. It was disturbing, as were her thoughts. She and her twin had been changed at far too young an age. Their minds never matured passed to age of adolescence. Their childish features made them seem weak and vulnerable, yet they were anything but.

Jane's eyes circled the clearing and landed on the smoking pile of vampire ashes. The scent of it wasn't pleasant. "It appears you have done our work for the most part." Her eyes flickered to the newborn. "Just out of professional curiosity, how many were there? They left quite a wake of destruction in Seattle."

"Eighteen including this one," Carlisle answered.

Eighteen? The fire is far too small for that number.

Two of the cowled figures behind her exchanged a glance. Dangerous, their thoughts screamed.

"Eighteen?" she thought aloud.

"All brand new. They were unskilled," he said dismissively.

"All?" she questioned, her voice turning sharp. He had better not be lying to me.

"He's not," I answered her thoughts. Jane's bright red eyes flicked over to me. She looked at my face, and her thoughts told me she believed me. I nodded slightly and she turned back to Carlisle. She found my mind reading ability intrusive and she wanted to leave.

"You there," she asked, pointing to the newborn. "What is your name?"

The newborn's thought of Bree, flickered into her head before she glared balefully at her. I set my face into stone as I realized what was about to happen. Jane smiled sweetly at the girl.

I felt Bella flinch as Bree let out a scream of agony. Luckily, Bella had the sense of mind to censor her reaction. I could almost see her gnawing on her lip.

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