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Bella's POV

Victor took a long drag of his cigar and then pressed the burning end to his wrist. It hissed as it made contact with his skin. The Cullens flinched, but I simply rolled my eyes. In seconds, the wound healed and Victor dropped the cigar stub into an ashtray. "You know, kid…" Victor began. "Your life kind of sucks."

I remembered saying that exact thing just a few days before and couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. The others joined in.

Victor's headache was gone, and the morphine had lost its effect. He seemed much calmer and sweeter than I remembered him being.

I stopped laughing and mock-glared at him. "Well, it's your fault that James went after me. If he'd never come across you, he wouldn't have gone after me in revenge."

Victor shrugged. "It's not my fault Ponytail-Boy didn't know not to mess with me."

I slapped my forehead and groaned in defeat. He hadn't changed as much as I'd thought. Splendid.

Victor gave Edward a long, appraising look. "So, you're the guy who won my grandbaby's heart?"

I snorted and tried to hide my blush and Edward smiled. "Indeed I did, though it wasn't without effort. You should see the line-up of admirers she has."

Victor's thoughts apparently turned to something grotesque, because he smiled. "You'll have to point them out to me sometime. I can't blame them, though. She is one helluva pretty girl."

Edward rolled his eyes. "Pretty doesn't even begin to cover it."

I snorted. "Ignore him, he's blinded by love," I told Victor. "And you're blinded by idiocy."

Victor clutched his heart and rolled his eyes back into his head. "Ouch! You're so cruel, Bell."

"As cruel as life," I quipped.

Esme stepped forward. "Would you like something to eat, Victor? We keep some steak in the freezer for when Bella comes over."

Victor nodded his head once. "That'd be a real treat, ma'am. Thank you."

Esme smiled and zipped into the kitchen. "Would you like some too, Bella?" she called.

"No, thank you," I called back. I studied Victor more closely. "You need some new clothes, Grampy," I pointed out, smirking.

Alice seemed to take that as an invitation. She danced up the stairs and came back down with her arms filled with clothing. "I'm sure something of Emmett's will fit you. You're about the same size."

Emmett perked up at that. I saw Edward roll his eyes and figured that Emmett was thinking about a fight.

I smiled. That was something I'd pay to see.

"Thanks, little lady," Victor said. He rifled through the clothes for a few minutes. "Edward?" he asked, without looking up.

"Yes, sir," Edward replied, a note of hesitation in his voice. I wondered for the first time if he could hear my grandfather, or if Victor was as silent as I was.

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