Chapter 3

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Alex's P.O.V

No one came towards the mausoleum I was in for a while. I sighed to myself and relished in the quiet. I knew Elijah had left to go get Klaus, and I knew I had been ignoring Klaus for six weeks. Guess that's why it's normal to be nervous about the shit show to come.

What am I supposed to say to Klaus to get him on board with this plan? Hey sorry, I've been ignoring you for six weeks. You know I just needed time to grieve my friend, who you killed out of anger. Though things have changed now, and I need your help because I'm pregnant with your children and can't leave until you agree to the witches' stupid fucking plan. Side not we're actually having twins, but again can't tell you that because I don't want the witches to know. I laughed to myself. Like Klaus is going to believe that. I might as well prepare myself for disappointment and rejection.

I heard footsteps coming towards the tomb and looked up at the entrance. Three witches, one girl, and two guys came in to collect me. "Come with us," One of the guys said and knowing that I didn't have a choice in the matter I followed them.

They lead me towards a different tomb. One of them held out their hands, which stopped me in my tracks and I heard voices coming from inside. "What madness is this Elijah?" My asshole-of-an-ex asked his older brother. I saw the girl, who stood with me outside, give me a look. Guess that's my cue.

I sighed before I made my way into the tomb. "Shut up," Klaus looked at me as I stood behind him. "And listen to them," I said.

He stared at me for a little while, but that's not what caught my attention. No no no, it was the fact that our bond made me want to run up to him, like some damsel in distress, wrap my arms around him and never let him go. I looked into his eyes. At first, he seemed both relieved to see me and worried that I may be hurt in some way, but both of those emotions were quickly covered up and replaced with amusement.

"You're all out of your mind if you think some liquor-fueled, one-night stand with my ex-girlfriend - no offense, sweetheart - means a thing to me," Klaus laughed as he turned back to Elijah. There's the disappointment I expected and for some odd reason, I felt a part of my heart shatters a tiny bit more.

"Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new." No shit this is new. "For example, I have a special gift...of sensing when a girl is pregnant," Sophie explained to him and he looked at her.

"What?" Klaus asked. I could hear the anger and shock in his voice.

"Klaus, it's impossible I know..." I started off and my ex turned back to me.

"What are you saying?" Klaus asked me.

"Niklaus..." He looked at Elijah again. "Alex is carrying your child," His older brother answered him.

There were a few moments of silence as I watched Klaus. I expected him to start yelling at us immediately, but I guess even Klaus needs to process the information. He looked at me for a moment, as he eyed me up and down. He seemed to be looking for something. A baby bump? That won't show up for - maybe - a few weeks. Would have been a month if this was my first child, but no, it's my third and fourth, and muscles have memories. Then I noticed the concerned gaze in his eyes. So maybe he was looking for injures?

He met my eyes again and I just stared at him. I could feel the need to run up to him, the pull of our fucking bond wanting to draw us closer together, but I refused to move. Once he seemed reassured that I wasn't hurt but slightly pissed off, his face was immediately covered in denial.

"No. It's impossible." Yup said the same thing. "Vampires can't procreate," Klaus told them. Trust me, I know. I am one.

"But werewolves can." Oh so now you're going to explain how all of this is possible. Couldn't you have done this earlier? You know, when I was asking you a million questions and coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to be a mother again? "Magic made you both vampires, but you were both born from werewolves bloodlines. You're the Original hybrids, the first of your kind," Along with Victor and Daniel - wait does this mean they can have kids too? "And this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes," Sophie explained.

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