Chapter 25

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Alex's P.O.V

Marcel and I were still at the bar. Klaus texted me and I told him I was with Marcel, which he wasn't happy about, but I didn't care. Klaus had called Marcel a few times too, but he just ignored them. I now had a glass of water next to me when Victor and Daniel came in moments later.

"Hey," I said while Marcel looked away from them.

"Hey, have you seen Elijah?" Victor asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, why?" I asked.

"Well, Klaus is looking for him and he's not answering his phone," Daniel explained and I shrugged.

"Sorry, I can't help you," I told them. "Though you could ask a witch to do a locator spell."

"Yeah, we'll do that," Daniel said and they left without another word, but I was worried. It wasn't like Elijah to not answer his phone.

"Not like Elijah to not answer his phone," Marcel mentioned and I nodded.

"Yeah," I said, worried, but I shook my head when I realized Victor and Daniel would be able to find him. Marcel had taken a napkin and started to draw the symbol we saw earlier on it. "Why are you drawing that symbol?" I asked him.

"Well, I came here hoping Sophie would be here," Marcel explained. "But she's not yet, so I'm going to wait until she comes here."

"You said that symbol is tied to bad mojo, what did you mean?"

"Papa Tunde," Marcel answered, heavily.

"Who?" I asked him, confused.

Marcel looked at me, "Let me tell you a story, about a witch who went up against Klaus." Marcel began. Well, at least I know the ending. "This was right after I returned from World War 1. I'd been trying to get away from New Orleans for a while, but something kept drawing me back. Klaus threw a party in order to welcome me back to the quarter. At the time Papa Tunde had surfaced in the city for the first time and because of it, Klaus and Elijah were at odds on how to handle it."

"Let me guess, Elijah wanted to negotiate while Klaus wanted to start a war?" I laughed and Marcel nodded with a smile.

"Klaus hoped I could settle their feud, which is when Papa Tunde arrived at the party." He said and I looked at him confused.

"Wait, Klaus invited his enemy to party with him?" I asked Marcel.

"I didn't get it at first either. Klaus was the one who wanted to go to war. So why was he inviting his enemy into his home? Why be so generous to someone who he's gonna have to kill? But, you see, that the thing. It was all part of his plan. He was sussing the guy out, learning his weaknesses, his strengths, getting him to let his guard down." Marcel explained.

"Yup, that sounds like him," I sighed and took a sip of water, then noticed it was night time. "What happened after that?" Before Marcel could continue, however, his phone buzzed and he sighed before answering it.

"Ah, you've decided to break your despair long enough to pick up the phone," Klaus said to him and I rolled my eyes.

"I figured you'd just keep calling," Marcel replied.

"I'm in the cauldron now. You need to take Alex home and meet me here. We should start burning passersby at the stake." Klaus told him. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm useless.

"Sorry. I'm gonna chase down my own lead." Marcel informed him.

"And where might that be, the bottom of a bottle of scotch?" Klaus asked.

His Hope (Only His Series: Book 2) *NEW VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now