The One Where Amelia Breaks

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I've been in L.A a month now and things are going pretty well. Dancing is killing me but this is what I've wanted to do since forever and now I get to live out my dreams and I'm so happy. Tom and I have been trying to spend as much time as possible together but it's hard since he's so busy with the premiere coming up in a week and press tours but we're trying. No one said a relationship would be easy. I've gotten some hate online recently because people say Tom and I shouldn't be together and Zendaya and him are true soulmates and he doesn't deserve me. I'm trying not to let it get to me but it's getting worse and worse. Plus the media is targeting me like I'm the bad guy. I go out to lunch to catch up with Noah, I'm cheating. I go to dance rehearsals, I'm cheating. I go buy something nice for a premiere or event, I'm using Tom for the money, like I'm not doing something with my life and not making my own money.

Right now, I'm watching Zoey and we are watching Moana for the third time. Every time I try to turn it off, Zoey screams and won't stop until it's on again. I know I shouldn't give in but I'm tired and sore and I don't want to hear a screaming baby. As we're watching, Tori and Dylan walk in.

"Hey." Tori said.

"Thank god! I can't take another second of this movie!" I groaned.

Dylan and Tori just chucked.

"It's not that bad." Dylan said.

"I've watched this movie three times today. If I hear one more Moana song, I'm going to lose it."

Tori chuckled and patted my head. "Oh you haven't been put through any torture yet. Why do you think we ask you to watch her for half a day? We need breaks."

"Then why don't you ask one of our other friends?"

"Well Nat and Isaac have a two year old and another on the way, Kenzie and Luke are planning their wedding, Autumn and Austin are expecting their first and Autumn has been bedridden for the last two months, and Noah and Katrina are so busy with traveling and their careers."

"Good point." I replied.

"Don't worry, once you and Tom have kids, Dylan and I will watch them."

"That's not going to be for a while." I mumbled.

"Why? Did something happen?" Tori asked, apparently hearing me.

"Not really. It's just every time the subject comes up about getting married and having kids, Tom changes the subject quickly. I don't know if he just thinks getting married and having kids will hold him back or what. I've just stopped bringing it up." I sighed.

"Maybe you're thinking too much into it. Maybe he wants it to be a surprise when he does propose. Maybe it's just part of his plan."

"Maybe we just don't belong. Maybe we should've stayed with our symbol soulmates." I whispered.

"Say that again and I'm going to slap you." Tori said seriously. "You and Tom are meant to be, stop listening to the media and haters."

"But maybe they're right!" I yelled. "Maybe I AM not good enough. Maybe he does belong with Zendaya or someone else!" I bursted out into tears, sobbing. Tori sat down and hugged me while Dylan took Zoey back to their apartment.

"Amelia honey, where is this coming from?"

"It's just, I see how happy you guys are. All of you. You guys are already starting your lives together. Most soulmates do by this age. And yet here I am, still not engaged, still not married, still no kids and I'm scared Tom may not want this and he'll leave me. Plus the media is starting to get to me."

"Amelia, you're only 20. There's still plenty of time for all of that. Just live your life for right now and enjoy being with Tom. And as far as the media goes, stop listening to them. They don't know the real you."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I am."

We chuckled.

"Thanks Tori."

"No problem."

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