The One Where Autumn and Austin Have a Baby

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"I'm here to see Autumn Carter." I said panting as I ran into the hospital.


"I'm a friend."

As the secretary looked up Autumn's room number, Tom ran in.

"Amelia love, calm down."

"One of my best friends is having a baby. I will not calm down."

The secretary looked up at us and spoke.

"She's in room 427."

"Thank you." Tom and I both said as we walked down to Autumn's room.

When we got there, I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hey Autumn, how are you doing?"

"The contractions hurt but I can't wait to meet the baby." Autumn said with a little smile.

"Still can't believe you waited this long without knowing the gender." Tom added.

"Oh dude, believe me. It's killing me. I want to know so bad. Not too long to wait now." Austin said with a big smile.

"Well, we're here if you need anything." I said, patting Autumn's arm.

"Thanks Amelia and Tom."

"The rest of the gang will come later once the baby comes and you two have some time with him or her." Tom said.

"You guys are so sweet." Autumn said starting to tear up.

"Aww honey, don't cry."

"I'm not crying from what you said, I'm crying from the contraction that just hit."

Fifteen hours. That's how long I've been sitting in the waiting room with Tom. Autumn and Austin wanted a little alone time so we headed out to the waiting room until after the baby was born. Last we heard twenty minutes ago, Autumn had started pushing. Tom and I were currently sitting next to each other, hands intertwined when I brought up the subject that had been on my mind for a while.

"You think we will ever have kids?"

"I don't know love. I haven't really thought about it. If we do, it'll be far down the road."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well both of our careers are picking up and I don't want to-"

I cut Tom off.

"Don't say you don't want kids to ruin it. You may not want kids to be in the way of your career but I'm perfectly fine with giving up my career to be a mom. I would love to have kids and I want to have them with you."

"I don't know Amelia. I just don't want to think about it right now."

"So when do you?"

Before Tom could answer, Austin came into the waiting room.

"Do you two want to meet your godson?"

I got up and walked towards Autumn's room, Tom trailing slowly behind me. When I walked in, I saw Autumn holding a beautiful baby boy.

"He's beautiful. What's his name?" I asked.

Autumn looked up at Austin and smiled before looking down at their son.

"Huntley Joseph Carter."

"I love it. Can I hold him?"

Autumn handed Huntley to me and I looked down at him, rubbing my finger over his tiny ones.

"Hi Huntley. It's your Auntie Amelia. I'm going to spoil you so much.  You don't know it yet but you have so many people who love you." I said, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. As I rocked Huntley back and forth, there was a knock at the door and Tori, Nat, Katrina, Kenzie, Isaac, Dylan, Noah and Luke walked in.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Tori asked.

"A little sore and tired but it was so worth it."

"He's beautiful." Katrina said.

"He is." I said sniffling a little.

Autumn must've noticed something was up.

"Hey, can you guys give us girls a minute?"

The guys walked out and Autumn turned to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it Autumn. I don't want to take away from you and Austin's day. You just brought a beautiful life into this world."

"I want everyone to be happy though, especially the godmother of my child. So spill."

I sighed. "While we were in the waiting room, I brought up the subject about kids to Tom and I don't think he wants kids. He said our careers are just starting off and he doesn't want a kid to ruin that or take that away. I told him I don't care. I'm more than willing to give up my career to be a mother to our kids but I don't think he is."

"Oh honey, you two will figure it out. You guys are only 21. Just give it a few years." Autumn replied.

"I know. But seeing you guys married and having kids or being engaged makes me feel sad. Will I ever get that? Most soulmates are married or at least engaged by 21."

"You will don't worry." Nat added.

"Now let's stop being all sad and enjoy this child." Tori said, earning a chuckle from all of us.

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