The One Where Tom and Amelia are Surprised

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Friday had rolled around quickly. I got up in the morning and was greeted by a happy Tom in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning my beautiful wife."

I chuckled. "Yeah I'm so beautiful in my pjs and hair in a messy ponytail because I've been throwing up on and off the past few hours."

"Still beautiful though

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"Still beautiful though."

"I love you. Like a lot." I said, giving Tom a hug.

"I love you a lot too love." Tom chuckled.

I went over to the cabinet and grabbed a coffee mug and walked over to the coffee machine. Well, until Tom stopped me. 

"Love, you can't have coffee while you're pregnant."

I groaned and let my head hit the refrigerator door. Today was going to be a long day.

After eating, I got ready and we headed to the doctor's appointment

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After eating, I got ready and we headed to the doctor's appointment. After waiting what seemed like an eternity, we were finally called back. After going through the standard questions, weight check and blood pressure check, we were taken back to our room. The doctor came in shortly after that.

"Well congrats Mr. and Mrs. Holland, both on the marriage and the pregnancy. Now let's check how the little baby is doing."

After starting the ultrasound and moving it around a little, she took a few pictures on the computer and gave us news we were not expecting at all.

"Well it looks like the babies are doing fine."

"What, did you say babies? As in ies? As in plural?" I asked.

"Yes Mrs. Holland. You are pregnant with twins."

"Oh my god." I breathed out, lightly putting my hands on my stomach.

"And you are about 1 month along. Let me go get this pictures printed out and you guys are good to go."

"Thank you doctor." Tom said.

Once the door closed, Tom looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

"We're having twins love! Can you believe that?"

"As shocking as it is, I'm really excited Tom. I can't wait to start this family with you."

"Yeah, there's just one problem love. We are definitely going to have to move."

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