The One Where Tom and Amelia Have An Argument

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A month after the Infinity War premiere, Tom had some free time that he was going to spend with me in L.A before he headed back home. I was currently getting Tom and I's romantic dinner ready and I had just put the chicken in the oven and decided to go get ready.

By the time I finished getting ready, the chicken was done and I took it out of the oven

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By the time I finished getting ready, the chicken was done and I took it out of the oven. Shortly afterwards, there was a knock at the door and I opened it to reveal Tom.

"Hello love." Tom said giving me a kiss.

"Hey you." I replied.

As we sat down and started eating, I started talking, which may have been a bad idea.

"I'm so excited for this break we're taking from work. I think we both need it."

So Tom and I decided to take a break from work for a year (other than Tom finishing up Avengers 4) to spend more time together and with our family and friends. It was a much needed break as well.

Tom hesitated and then spoke. "Yeah about that love, I got a job offer."

"You told them no right?"

Tom didn't respond, which gave me my answer.

"Tom, are you serious?! I thought we both agreed to this break!" I said in disbelief, putting down my fork.

"I know love but this was an amazing role and I just couldn't turn it down."

"You just couldn't turn it down? Even to spend more time with me?" I asked, my eyes starting to well up with tears. "Do you know how many offers I've given up because we decided on this break together?"

"I know love and I'm sorry."

I sighed and just stayed silent. 

"I don't know what to say Tom. I'm really mad that you did this, especially since we both agreed to take a break to spend more time together."

"I know love but after this, I promise we can take a break and travel wherever you want to go."

"But what if something else comes up huh? Then I get pushed to the back burner again? I feel like that's what it's been the last few months."

"I know love, but really I do promise."

"I don't think I can accept that promise Tom. You've pushed me aside and our future aside for the sake of your career Tom. I'm done. This relationship has been one-sided too long. I'm sorry." I said, getting up and grabbing my bag.

"Amelia, wait!"

"No Tom. I'm done waiting." I said, leaving my apartment.

I went to the only place I could think to go, the dance studio. I danced and once finished, fell to the floor crying. 

Zack, a guy I had become friends with at the dance studio, walked in and saw me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, sitting down on the floor.

"Tom and I got into an argument. Remember how I told you I was taking a break from dancing? It was so Tom and I could spend more time together. He was going to take a break too. Except he just accepted another job offer for a movie."

"I'm sorry." He said.

I stood up and wiped my tears on my hand. "I'm going to go. Bye Zack."

"Bye Amelia. And don't worry about Tom. If it was meant to be, it'll work out."

"Thanks Zack. I appreciate it. I'll see you later." I said as I walked out the door and down the street.

Tom's POV 

I messed up, I know. I wasn't thinking when I accepted the job offer. I ran down to the dance studio, knowing that Amelia was probably there. I got there and I saw Zack.

"Hey Tom. If you're looking for Amelia, she left. I don't know where she was going man."

I sighed. "It's fine. Thanks anyways mate."

I walked back towards Amelia's apartment and called Dylan.


"Hey Dylan. I messed up. Amelia and I had an argument and she left. I don't know where she went."

"I haven't heard anything from her and neither has Tori. What happened?"

"I told her I accepted another job after we agreed to take a break for a year from work."

Dylan just sighed.

"I was going to propose to her tonight too. I messed up so bad mate. I don't even know where she is."

"Tori is calling up McKenzie and Katrina. She thinks she might know where she is. Just go back to her apartment and I'll update you when I hear from Tori."

"Thanks mate."

"Just talk to her and fix things with her."

"I will."

Tori's POV 

Kenzie, Katrina and I walked to the nightclub near where Amelia and I live. After we showed our IDs and got in, we started looking around for Amelia. Except it wasn't too hard to find her because she was standing on top of a platform dancing and singing.

"Why men great til they got to be great whoo! I just took a DNA test turns out I'm a 100% that-"

"We got to get her down." I said to the girls.

"Hopefully we'll be able to get her out of here. She's in no shape to talk to Tom tonight though. She's flat out drunk."

"Don't text me tell it straight to my face. Best friend set me down in the salon chair. Shampoo press get you outta my hair-"

"Agreed." I said.

"Do you want me to call Luke to help us get her out of here?" 

"No, I think we got it."

"I can take her back to my place." Katrina said.

"Okay. Let's go get her."

We walked over to where Amelia is and shouted over the music to get her attention.

"Look! It's my friends!" Amelia screamed to the people around her. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Come on Amelia, let's go home." I said, grabbing her arm.

"No! Tom's there and he's a meany pants. He don't care about me!"

"Come on Amelia, you're going home with me." Katrina said.

"Oh yay! Sleepover!"

We grabbed Amelia and took her back to Katrina's. Afterwards, I called Dylan and told him we got Amelia and to tell Tom to relax. Then he told me how Tom was wanting to propose and I thought of a genius plan, a mean one but genius.

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