The One Where Sadie and Lizzy Get to Go Home

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47 hours later and we were coming into the homestretch of if Sadie and Lizzy would get to come home. They had gotten better and their heart rates had went back up. We just had to get through one more hour. Whether they came home or not, I was getting discharged today. I was still very sore from the c-section and the doctors said I would be for a while so I was walking a little slow and wasn't allowed to pick up heavy things. I was finishing up getting ready while Tom finished packing.

"You know, I forgot what it felt like to not have a huge stomach and to wear my normal clothes

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"You know, I forgot what it felt like to not have a huge stomach and to wear my normal clothes." I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

Tom chuckled. "I know. It's weird being able to hug you without a belly in the way."

Thirty minutes later, the nurse came in and told us that Sadie and Lizzy passed everything and would be able to got home. Except they had to pass one more test, the car seat test. To say I was dreading it was an understatement. I was ready to get out of this hospital room and take Sadie and Lizzy home. Thank god they passed the test and we could finally be discharged.

After we got home, we were greeted with our family and friends. They were all super excited to meet the two new additions to our lives.

"Where are my nieces?" Harrison called out.

"Come help Tom bring them in and you'll see." I chuckled back.

Harrison ran off to the car to help Tom bring them in while everyone else gave me hugs and asked how I was doing. Tom and Harrison walked through the door a few minutes later with Sadie and Lizzy in hand. Tom and I unbuckled them and picked them up, turning around to face everyone. 

"Guys, meet Elizabeth Saffron Holland and Sadie Brielle Holland." Tom said.

"They're beautiful." My mom and Nikki said.

"Well they're half Tom." Harrison joked.

I just looked at him. "Are you in a secret relationship with my husband?"

"Well you knew when you married him, you basically married me. Plus you can't say anything, I'm still convinced you and Zendaya are in a secret relationship." Harrison retorted back with a chuckle.

"Touché." I chuckled back.

The rest of the night, everyone got to take turns holding Sadie and Lizzy. Tom put his arm around me as we sat on the couch and I snuggled into him. This was our family. Yes, Tom and I had our ups and downs and yes we defied all odds to be together but I wouldn't change a single thing.

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