The One With the Gender Reveal

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I was 25 weeks now and we were going to be finding the genders of the babies today

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I was 25 weeks now and we were going to be finding the genders of the babies today. We only waited so long because Tom and I had to go to Comic-Con and Tom wanted to take a vacation for two weeks to relax before we were busy being parents.

I walked, scratch that I waddled, out of our bedroom and down to the kitchen where Tom was making breakfast.

"Good morning love."

"Morning honey." I said, walking to the refrigerator with a hand on my growing stomach.

"Have I told you how much I love your waddle?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I'm afraid I'm going to pee myself if I don't."

I sat down at the island and Tom came to sit next to me, putting a plate of food in front of each of us.

"Not too much longer now."

"Just a few more months."

"I'm excited to find out the genders today."

"Me too. What do you think they'll be?"

"I would love a boy and a girl."

"I don't know if I could handle a girl." I chuckled. "I'm afraid she would be too much like me."

Tom chuckled and pulled me close to him, giving me a kiss on top of my head.

After we got ready, we headed to the doctors appointment

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After we got ready, we headed to the doctors appointment.

Once we arrived and got signed in, the nurse took us back and got everything set up. The doctor came in shortly after and started the ultrasound. After about 5 minutes, the time had come to find out the gender.

"Ready to find out the genders of your babies?"

Tom and I smiled and shook our heads. The doctor zoomed in and took a few pictures.

"Congrats mom and dad, they're both girls."

Tom looked at me smiling, tears in both of our eyes.

After we got cleaned up and got the pictures, we headed to the car and started back home.

"We're going to have two girls love." Tom said, a smile still on his face.

"I know. I can't wait."

Tom put one of his hands on my belly. "My two little princesses." Tom then moved his hand to mine and grabbed it giving it a squeeze. "And my queen." Tom said, giving my hand a kiss.

Two weeks later and the gang was back over to help set up the nurseries. Of course, they'll be sleeping in our room for the first few months but we wanted to go ahead and get it set up. 

After a whole day of working, the nurseries were done and they looked so good. 

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Later that night as Tom and I were sitting in bed, I brought up something we hadn't really discussed

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Later that night as Tom and I were sitting in bed, I brought up something we hadn't really discussed.

"Tom, we still have to pick out names."

"We do love." Tom agreed.

"I have a few ideas."

"We are not naming one of our daughters Princess Consuella Banana Hammock."

"I wasn't going to suggest that. What do you think of Elizabeth Saffron Holland and maybe Sadie for the other girl? I don't know what Sadie's middle name could be though."

"I like Elizabeth and Sadie. How about Sadie Brielle Holland?"

"Sadie Brielle? I kinda like it."

"I think that was the easiest decision we've ever made."

"Agreed. But just so you know, Princess Consuella Banana Hammock was on my list."

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