The One With The Proposal

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Amelia's POV

I woke up with an excruciating headache and rolled over in bed to see a few Aleve's and a glass of water. I took the pills and drank the water. I got out of bed and walked to the living room, where I was greeted with Katrina.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like crap."

Katrina chuckled and handed me some toast and eggs.

"Here, eat this and then I'll get you a change of clothes."

After I finished getting dressed, I got a call from a panicked Dylan

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After I finished getting dressed, I got a call from a panicked Dylan.

"Amelia, you need to come back to your apartment now."


"Tom's not here. I left him here last night but he's gone and he's going back to London."

"What? I'll be there soon." I said, heading towards the door.

After hanging up, I ordered an Uber and went back to my apartment. When I got to my floor, I saw Dylan and Tori pacing outside of my apartment.

"I'm getting my passport then can one of you drive me to the airport?"

"Why are you wanting to go to London?"

"Because I messed up and am going to apologize to Tom. If he wants that role, he should have it. I should be supportive."

I unlocked the door, rushing in when I saw Tom standing there, a teapot in hand. I set my keys on the table and ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank god you didn't go back home. I'm so sorry for not being supportive. If you want that role, go for it."

"Actually I told them no. You and I are going to spend the next year on a break from work and spending more time together."


"I'm serious. Oh and this is for you." Tom said handing me the teapot.

I took it and opened it. The first thing I saw was a picture from our first date. Then I saw a mixed tape. Then I saw a thin, silver band.

"Tom what's this?" As I looked up, Tom was on one knee with a ring box in hand.

"Amelia, you mean the world to me. We've had our ups and downs but there's no one else I would rather be with. Will you marry me?"

"Yes." I said, tears streaming down my face and grabbing him to give him a hug. I kissed him then he slipped the ring on.

"Did you really just pull a Jim and Monica?" I asked giggling.

"Well you love The Office and Friends. I had the teapot already planned but Tori had the idea of scaring you into thinking I left." Tom chuckled.

"I'm not even mad. I love you."

"I love you too." Tom replies, giving me a kiss.

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