The One Where They're Early

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I was currently 32 weeks and I wasn't feeling the best. I was very uncomfortable and I guess McKenzie and the rest of the girls noticed it.

"Amelia, are you sure you're okay?" McKenzie asked.

"I'm fine."

"What does the discomfort feel like?" Tori asked.

"Like a period. A little."

The girls looked at each other then back at me.

"Amelia, I think you're in the very early stages of labor."

"What? No I can't be. I'm only 32 weeks along. I can't go into labor."

"Well Sadie and Lizzy say otherwise."

I groaned, both out of pain and frustration. "This can not be happening."

"I'm going to go call Tom." Kenzie said.

"If the contractions get stronger and closer together, we're going to the hospital." Autumn said.

"Fine." I sighed. I was not ready to have these babies.

Four hours later, Tom was back home and the girls insisted on staying to keep an eye on me and monitor my contractions, which were very slowly getting a little closer and closer. I had got up to go to the bathroom and I came back with a worried look on my face.

"Guys I'm bleeding."

The girls looked at each other.

"We need to get you to the hospital. Now." Tori said, jumping up and grabbing the keys to our car.

"Tom, go get the hospital bag." Autumn said.

As Tom ran to get the bag, Zendaya and Katrina came over and helped me out to the car.

Tori got in the drivers seat, Zendaya in the passengers and Tom and I in the back. Tori has insisted on driving since she didn't think Tom was in the right state to drive.

After we got to the hospital, Tom found me a wheelchair while Zendaya grabbed the bags and Tori ran in in front of us. We got to the front desk and Tori informed them what was going on and they rushed me to a room and hooked me up. They did an ultrasound and the doctor came in a few minutes later.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Holland. We're going to need to perform an emergency c-section. The babies are in distress and their heart rates are dropping."

"Okay. Thank you doctor." Tom replied.

Twenty minutes later, they were prepping me for the c-section and getting ready to roll me back. Tom had his scrubs on and turned to look at me.

"How do I look?" 

"As good as usual." I replied with a small chuckle.

Ten minutes later, and the nurses had come in to wheel me to the OR room. I was nervous since Tom had to wait outside until they got started with the procedure and they would inform him when he could come inside.

Twenty minutes after they prepped me and started the procedure, they let Tom back. He gave me a quick peck on the forehead and comforted me, telling me everything would be fine. After another 5 minutes, they had gotten one of the girls out and Tom and I broke down crying at the sound of her screams. Three minutes later, another scream filled the air and the doctors were announcing it was another girl. Tom looked down at me, tears streaming down his face.

"We did it love, you did it. They're beautiful."

After they wiped the girls off, the doctors announced they needed to get them to the NICU stat, which is something no mother wants to hear.

They finished stitching me up and then wheeled me back to my room. My mom met us in the room and hugged me.

"Oh honey, it's going to be okay." She said, stroking my hair.

"I hope so mom. They were so beautiful."

"I bet. They have a beautiful mother and a handsome father." She replied, moving my hair behind my ears.

A few minutes later, the doctor came in and informed us that both Sadie and Lizzy's heart rates had dropped and if they went back up and stayed up for 48 hours, they would be able to go home but if they went back down, that's an additional 24 hours of monitoring.

Two hours later, the nurses and doctors let Tom and I go down to the NICU to see them. Tom wheeled me down in a wheelchair and after sanitizing ourselves and taking the proper precautions, we walked in and saw them. I put my hand through Sadie's container and touched her small hand as Tom did the same with Lizzy.

"Hey Lizzy and Sadie. This is your mommy and daddy. We love you both so much. We need you two to get better. Everyone is wanting to see you. Your grandma Nikki and grandma Sophia and your grandpa Dom and your uncles Harry, Paddy, Sam, Haz, Issac, Austin, Dylan, Noah, and Luke. And I can't forget about your aunties. There's auntie Z, auntie Kenzie, auntie Tori, auntie Nat, auntie Katrina, and auntie Autumn. So you two need to get better. We can't wait to hold and snuggle you." By the time I had finished, there were tears in my eyes. Tom put a hand on my shoulder.

"Love, let's go back up to the room and get some rest okay?" 

I nodded and we headed back up to the hospital room.

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