The One Where Tom and Amelia Go to Comic-Con

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I was officially 2 and a half months pregnant and I had a tiny little bump. It was only noticeable if I had more form fitting clothes on. 

For the past month, Tom and I had been looking at houses and we had finally found one. We toured it, inspected it and we finally came to the decision it was for us. We have to go to Comic-Con but once we get back, we'll be moving in.

We were currently in Atlanta's airport because Tom had to come out here to finish some stuff with Marvel and now we're on our way to Comic-Con. To say I didn't feel good was an understatement. I felt so bad and I constantly felt like I needed to throw up. Plus I had to pee from all the water I've been drinking. Right now, I'm laying out across some empty seats, hands over my stomach.

"Love are you okay?" Tom asked.

"Not really. I'm not feeling good. Morning sickness. And contrary to its name, it stays around all day and night long." I groaned.

"I'm sorry love. Maybe I can find some warm tea for you to help soothe your stomach."

"Tom, I really don't know if I would be able to keep it down."

Before Tom could continue, they called for our flight to start boarding.

Once we landed and got to our hotel room, I unpacked and then laid in bed. Tom came in the room looking at his phone and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Z, Tony, Robert and Jacob want to meet up for dinner. I can tell them we can't make it if you want."

"No, no. I want to see everyone. Is Harrison coming?"

"Yeah, I'll text him and we can meet downstairs and Uber together."

"Okay, let me go clean up. And put something on that conceals my stomach more. Is it okay if we tell the guys?"

Tom shrugged. "I think it's fine. I mean they are our friends."

"Z's going to kill me for not telling her sooner." I said as I walked to the bathroom, Tom letting out a chuckle.

After getting ready and meeting Harrison downstairs, we Ubered to the restaurant where we were greeted with Jacob, Z, Robert and Tony

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After getting ready and meeting Harrison downstairs, we Ubered to the restaurant where we were greeted with Jacob, Z, Robert and Tony.



Zendaya and I hugged and then I moved on to greet and hug Jacob, Robert and Tony.

As we were waiting on our food, Tom and I decided now would be the best time to announce to our friends that I was pregnant.

"So there's something we've been meaning to tell you guys but please don't freak out, we're trying to keep it a secret and from getting out to the media."

Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

"Amelia's pregnant. With twins."

Zendaya jumped up and came to hug me.

"Congrats girl! I can't believe my bestie is having twins."

"It was a shock to us as well." Tom and I chuckled.

"So you want to keep it a secret from the public?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, it'll help keep the media from bombarding us and leaves Tom and I to just enjoy the pregnancy, even though it hasn't been a lot of fun. I've been so sick. I can't keep anything down."

"How about about Oreos?" Z asked.

"Not even Oreos." I said pouting.

"Well I'm happy for you two." Robert said.

"I call honorary uncle." Harrison said.

"Dude!" Jacob said in mock disbelief.

Tom chuckled as he put his arm around my chair. "You all will get to be honorary uncles or aunt."

Jacob pumped his hand in the air. "Yes!"

The next day, Tom had his panel and I would be watching from the back.

I had found this dress online months ago and decided to wear it at least one time before my stomach got too big

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I had found this dress online months ago and decided to wear it at least one time before my stomach got too big.

After the panel, Tom and I headed back to the hotel and tomorrow, we would be flying back home.

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