The One With the Planning

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A week after our engagement, we were in the works of planning our wedding, which was good since we going to have it in a few months. After much thought, Tom and I had decided on who would be our maid of honor/ bridesmaids and best man and groomsmen respectively. 

Tori would be my maid of honor and Zendaya, Katrina, Nat and Autumn would be my bridesmaids. Tom's best man would be Haz, of course, and then his groomsmen would be Harry, Sam, Jacob and Dylan. Our ring bearer would be Paddy and Zoey would be the flower girl. We found a cute little wagon for her to go in and we'll decorate it with flowers and Paddy will roll her down the isle, or he might have to carry her if I can convince Tom to do my suggestion.

We called up everyone to let them know and they were more than happy to be in our wedding. Kenzie insisted on working on making sure everything went orderly and perfectly. You would think since she just planned her wedding, she wouldn't want to plan another but nope, she wants to plan mine. I don't mind, I just don't want to burden her but she loves it.

After we called everyone up, Tom and I were laying on the couch when I brought up my idea for the wedding.

"So I have a idea for the wedding."

"Oh yeah love, what is it?"

"You know the scene from The Office where Pam and Jim get married?"

"We aren't getting on a boat and going to the bottom of Niagara Falls and getting married."

"No, not that. The dance. We could do the dance entrance."

"Actually I kinda like that idea love. We can talk to Kenzie about it."

"But she's going to say no!" I whined.

"It's our wedding love, she only has so much power."

"I guess you're right."

"How about our first dance song?"

"I didn't even think about that." I groaned.

Tom thought for a minute then looked down at me.

"How about the song we danced to in high school in the dance competition?"

"You mean Say You Won't Let Go?"

"Yeah, that one."

"I think we have a winner. My choices were all Ed Sheeran." We both laughed.

"Then I guess it's settled. We have our first dance song and wedding entrance planned."

"We do. I'm so excited Tom. I can't wait to marry you."

"Me either love."

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