PART I : A Child's Reminiscence

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"Turn off that cartoon and go to sleep."

"No, I don't want to learn alphabet with you."

"I'm tired, kid. "

"No, I can't go to the park."

"You can't have a dog because I don't like dogs."

"You are so annoying."

"Play with your kid friends, not me."

"I'm not in the mood."

"For Christ's sake, leave me alone."

"Go away."

"Elizabeth! Get your fucking ass down here and make the kid go out for a walk!"

He rarely ever called her by name. To him, she was just a kid, maybe a foreign one. She was ever only an annoying obligation he found hard fulfilling.

He wasn't violent towards her, or her mother, yet, his emotions, hard as stone and cold as ice, were the kind of soul abuse no physical violence could ever grow up to.

"Let's go, Laura.", bright brown haired woman spoke to her child, tugging her by the hand.

Laura turned towards her mother, after giving her father a long, disappointed stare and nodded slowly. She went to put on her shoes, her mom following her side patiently. That's when the familiar voice boomed once again.

"I didn't tell you to go.", he got up and looked his wife in the eyes. His arms crossed on his fired up chest. "You stay. I need to talk to you about some things."

"But I can't let her go alone. George, she's only six-"

"That's not my problem here. Don't worry about her. She's smart. She can make it.", he glances down at the little girl who helplessly stares at her parents. "Go, Laura. It's time to go to school anyway. You woke too early."

Time was around 7:00 am.

Laura stood up after putting on her shoes and ran upstairs, to her room to search for her bag. Downstairs, she heard yelling yet again.

"George, are you crazy? You can't demand of me to stay here just to talk when Laura's about to walk out on her own!"

"What do I care? It's all your damn fault! You didn't teach your child not to bore me with questions and demands. She always wants to do things I don't really give a fuck about. If she wants to play that much, let her go out and find someone to play with her. ", his grunts and complaints were heard all the way to Laura's room.

Her curly brown hair fell around her face as she bent to pick up her backpack. She raised her small hands and wiped the tears formed in her eyes. Her small self always knew daddy didn't care for her existence. He never wanted to care or show affection. Laura was stubborn trying to get to his heart but she always ended up in tears over his harsh words and blow ups. She couldn't understand why he was like this. Her heart couldn't take much more.

And the way he spoke.. As if she weren't even his own child. As if she were some bagger, foreigner picked up on the street against his will. It hurt the little girl so horribly that her caramel brown eyes drowned in tears every day. Not to mention that he fought with mom each and every day, over simple things people shouldn't really fight about. Usually, about her.

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