Chapter One: The Gentle Phony

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There's nothing quite like the thrill of training

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There's nothing quite like the thrill of training. It allows me to feel as if I am already a hero. Like I finally have a reason to breathe. It comes so naturally to me that it's like I was born to this; born to protect. I seek the pleasure in progressing my quirk to live up to my newfound identity: Red Riot.
The real challenge is rooted all in him. His piercing red eyes that hold some kind of mischievous gleam within them that only make this feeling intensify to where it's almost addictive. We fit perfectly in our training. We move in such a harmony that seems peaceful in a way. As I harden my skin, he fires explosive rounds at me pushing us to both our limits. I dodge the explosions erupting from his palms and maneuver myself to sweep his leg causing him to fall on the ground. He flashes a grin at me as it's the first time I've actually been able to successfully complete this counter-attack. I can't help but soften at his smile and my footing falters. Before I knew it, I was falling backward as he had lunged at my torso, tackling me to the ground.
"You idiot!" he yelled.
I scratched the back of my neck as he stood up, towering over me.
"Sorry, man. I just got distracted." I responded, dusting myself off as I got up.
"Sorry my ass, shitty hair. You can't screw up like that if you're going to be a hero, you know?" he retorted as he started off towards the locker room. I flashed him a grin before draping an arm over his shoulder. "Yeah, but at least I knocked you flat on your ass today, Bakubro." I laughed. The only response he gave was a small "tch" and we continued walking towards the lockers.
I look towards the clock sitting on my bedside table. Five o'clock it reads. I gather my things and hurry next door to Bakugou's dorm as he usually tutors me on Thursdays. I knock twice on the door and soon hear shuffling on the other side. The door swings open to reveal a surprisingly calm-looking blonde standing inside. He steps aside and motions for me to come in, which I gladly do. He closes the door behind me as I set tonight's homework on the borrowed spare desk I used next to his own.
"Sit down, weird hair, and tell me what you need help with," he tells me. I lightly laugh and pull up the spare chair he has in his room for me since I'm normally in here for help with my homework.
"I just need you to explain a little more on how to condense logarithmic equations," I tell him. He looks at me with a certain annoyance.
"Didn't we do this on Tuesday?"
"It's still confusing. I just need a tiny little bit more help with this and I'll completely understand this, bro."
With that, we continued our little banter, but he eventually helped me. Many of our other classmates think that Bakugou would be a terrible tutor because of his short temper, but surprisingly enough he can explain things really well and he's pretty patient with me. He can just act like Bakugou at certain times.
About an hour later, my homework is complete and I actually have a firm grasp on solving logarithms. As I'm putting my things away, I suggest playing some video games since we finished early.
"Do you want to invite Kaminari and Sero?" I ask.
"I can't deal with either of them right now," he said, running his hands through his hair. He looked exhausted.
"I can go if you're too tired, dude. We can do it another time." I suggested.
"Don't be so concerned about me, shitty hair. I have some time to beat your ass at some Mario Kart," he smirked.
I gave a wide, toothy grin at his remark. "Oh yeah? Get ready to eat your words, Blasty."
With that, we played for another hour or so before Bakugou started to doze off between races. I carefully slipped the controller from his grasp and placed it next to the one I had been using earlier. He stirred slightly as I turned the console off.
"I'm gonna head out, bro. See you later." I told him as I shuffled my feet on the floor. I heard a low sigh behind me followed by the squeaking of his bed springs as he got up. He followed behind me to the door which was far from the ordinary, especially for him. I turned back as I stood in the doorway. I admired his perfectly framed body as he leaned against the door.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked, genuinely confused about his behavior. He has been acting a lot calmer these past few weeks, and everyone has taken notice.
"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to walk you to the door," he said.
"But it's only like a five-foot walk. I'm a big kid, I think I can handle it," I said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes and looked at me with the most intense expression he has ever given me. It wasn't filled with malice or disgust; rather, it was filled with something much more meaningful. Much more sincere. Much more innocent.
Before I knew it, he had leaned in to where our bodies collided in a warm embrace. I let out a gasp in surprise. There's no way Bakugou of all people can be so soft like this. My body responded before I could realize what I was doing. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he clung to my waist. His sweet, smoky scent filled my nose and clouded my mind; it was intoxicating. I felt as he began to lose his grip around me and reluctantly followed his actions to where we soon just stood in front of one another.
"Goodnight, Kirishima," he said gently.
Where the hell did that come from? First, he hugs me and now he's calling me by my name? I've never seen Bakugou this soft before. It makes me wonder—
He slams the door in my face before I could say anything else.
There's my Bakugou.


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