Chapter Six: Sunkissed Shoulders

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I woke up to hear the soft snores of Bakugou as he laid beside me

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I woke up to hear the soft snores of Bakugou as he laid beside me. We were tangled together in a bundle of warmth as the sun began to shine through the windows and the distant sound of twittering birds filled my ears. I raised one of my hands to rub my eyes as Bakugou began to stir and wrap his arms around me tighter. I softly laughed at his demeanor and ran my hand through his ash blonde hair which was still standing tall even after his restless sleep. Images of the night before started to flash through my mind and I blushed a deep crimson once I realized that we hadn't put on any clothes. My attention was then directed towards the boy next to me as he inhaled deeply and cracked his eyes open. He gently placed a hand on my cheek and pulled me closer to his chest without a word. I only wrapped my hand around his forearm to make sure he wouldn't move. I began to kiss along his chest as he started stirring more and more.
"Are you okay, Ei?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I'm just asking. I didn't know if you know... hurting."
I looked up at him as he said this and laughed.
"Oh, in my ass you mean? I can show you how it feels later," I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him. He only rolled his eyes and scoffed at me as I smiled.
We locked eyes for a moment before I reached out to caress his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.
"Our class reserved the pool this morning. You down for that?" I asked.
He sighed and rolled his eyes once more and gave a reluctant, "sure." He then pounced on top of me. "But not before more cuddles," he said as he wrapped the blanket around us and straddled my hips sprinkling kisses along my jawline and around my face.
It was mid-morning by the time we arrived at the pool and almost the whole class was gathered outside the locker rooms being lectured by Iida on the safety precautions. No one was really paying attention and casual chatter could be heard among the crowd.
"Momo? Can you make a beach ball to play with?" I heard Uraraka ask.
"I'm gonna draw a dick on Denki's back with the sunscreen."
"Let's have a swimming race!"
At this remark, everyone perked up and began to agree, one after another. Bakugou was the only one that had yet to agree to the race and people began to request that they go first. Midoriya took notice of Bakugou's lack of participation and insisted that he join in on the fun.
"Come on Kacchan. Even Kirishima agreed. We all thought that meant you'd compete with the class."
Several people nodded their heads and some even dared to look at Bakugou with a hopeful gaze. Of course with Bakugou being who he was, he couldn't refuse participation if the event was titled as a 'competition.' That was simply unacceptable in his book.
Now there we were with three boys lined up since they decided to compete first. Todoroki, Midoriya, and, of course, Bakugou were preparing to race.
Iida raised his hand and began to count down from five.
Off they went. I don't think that you could really consider this as a fair race since Bakugou and Todoroki never really touched the water. One used his fire to propel himself through the air while the other would glide on the ice he formed on top of the water's surface. Nevertheless, it seemed as though Todoroki reached the pool's end first with Bakugou trailing a mere second behind him. I saw his face flush a red color and knew he was going to throw a bitch fit.
"I call bullshit," he yells.
"It was clear that Todoroki won," Denki told him.
"Stay out of this, dunce face!"
"Technically, the race wasn't fair, especially for Midoriya," Iida rebutted.
"That nerd should have just used his quirk," Bakugou started as Midoriya cautiously approached. "Why didn't you use your quirk, you damn nerd?"
At this, I stepped forward and rested a hand on his shoulder as if to say,' just let it go.' Surprisingly, he complied instantly and began to control his temper.
The next three people stepped up at the pool to race before I noticed several of our classmates giving me and Bakugou strange looks. I nudged the now wet-headed blonde in his side to get his attention.
"Why are people staring," I asked.
He looked around the crowd and noticed that there were, in fact, many faces peering into his own. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he resumed watching the others race, but I could tell he wasn't focused on it.
Mina and Sero then joined us and began to happily chat at either of our sides.
"It's like nobody here knows how to swim. I mean, you saw our beloved King Blasty Murder. He just flew over the pool," Mina joked.
"It's King Explosion Murder, raccoon eyes," Bakugou replied bluntly. I could tell that he was still in deep thought as his gaze never escaped the scene of the pool. Mina pulled me to the side and lowered her voice so that only I could hear her.
"What happened between you two," she asked in a suggestive voice, raising her eyebrows.
"What do you mean? We're just trying to figure out why everyone is staring at us."
"Kiri? Do you see his back?"
She pointed towards Bakugou and I saw long scratch marks that ran down his back. I immediately blushed and reminded myself of last night's events.
"Not to mention these," she said as she pointed to several love marks that scattered around my chest and neck. I began to mentally beat myself for suggesting the pool of all things to go to today.
"Oh my god. I'm so stupid. I didn't even think about it," I groaned.
I hid my face in my hands as the sudden realization came crashing down on me.
"So, when were you going to tell us about you and your lover boy over there," she giggled with a mischievous smile. I mean, there's no point in really hiding our relationship anymore, but I don't want to tell others without Bakugou knowing. But, this is Mina. I can trust her because she's one of my closest friends. Then again, she's Mina. Knowing her loud and rambunctious behavior, everyone at UA will know about Bakugou and me before the day is over.
"Look. You need to keep this on the down-low because I don't know if Baku is ready to tell anyone that we're official. Promise?" I raised my pinky finger close to her.
"I promise," she said as we connected our pinkies to seal the deal.
The rest of the day played out smoothly, but I could still tell that Bakugou was bothered by our earlier conversation. Though he would never admit it, I've noticed over the past few months that he tends to be very self-conscious when he knows others are aware of his presence. This side of him has only heightened ever since he was kidnapped by the League of Villains, but for some reason, he allowed me of all people to see that side of him, despite his pride. I never asked why he did what he did because I figured it would only cause him to become ashamed and paranoid about himself, but this very idea was beginning to annoy me. I didn't want him to live in a constant state of self-loathing and paranoia of his outward appearance.
Eventually, our class left the pool to prepare for school the next day. I slowed my walking so that Bakugou and I lagged behind the rest of class 1-A since I knew the last thing he needed now was to be surrounded by too many people. I intertwined our fingers together as we made our way to the dormitory.
"They're starting to suspect us, you know," he eventually said, breaking the peaceful quiet that once surrounded us.
"Would it be so bad if they knew," I replied.
"No, I just," he started. I looked up at him as he continued. "It's just that I haven't told anyone about my sexuality. Not even my parents. I'm just afraid of how they'd react."
"Kat, I'm sure that everyone will accept our relationship; and even if they don't, you can't let them run your life. They're not living your life so it shouldn't be a problem to them, and if it is, they're just wasting their time trying to fix things they can't control."
I looked over at him and saw that he was smiling. I felt him squeeze my hand as he let out a laugh. A genuine laugh.
"You make it sound so easy, but... I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid of how people will see me afterward."
At these words, I stopped in my tracks. "It shouldn't matter how they see you after you've told them about yourself. If it's you then it's you, and that should be valued. But the thing is, I know it's not. I've had people judge me for living my truth. I thought that if I told, then I would never be hurt again." I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "But I was because I didn't throw them out of my life. You make yourself out to be pathetic, and the thing is, you're not. You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my whole life, and whether that's important or not is for you to decide, but I know you. I've seen you, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
My eyes were welling up in tears as memories of self-loathing and relentless bullying raced through my mind. I felt as his thumb swiped away a few stray tears running down my cheek.
He looked at me the same way he did the night he first kissed me: a loving gaze. I felt as he secured his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. He rested his head against my forehead as we continued to hold each other.
"You know you mean everything to me. And, yes, you're right. I don't want to hide this anymore, so if people know, they know," he said. He looks at me with hopeful eyes and gives me his dopey grin. I plant kisses along his cheek and peck his nose as I take back his hand to walk to our dorms.
After dinner, nearly all of 1-A sat in the common room with, of course, the exception of Mineta. I sat on the couch wedged between the arm as Bakugou had settled against my chest. I quietly observed my classmates as they played games, talked, laughed, and scrambled to complete their homework for tomorrow. It seemed all too quiet without Denki being his lively self and wreaking havoc throughout the entirety of the room. He sat at the other end of the couch slumped over in a deep sleep. Mina and Sero decided to give him a makeover as he slept. I heard them giggle as they smeared bright red lipstick over his mouth and dusted a tacky blue eyeshadow on his face.
I looked down at Bakugou and realized he was asleep too. He tends to get warmer as he sleeps and his breaths become deeper and more even and I couldn't help but relax as he surrounded me in his arms. I looked back over to Denki because he began to stir until he eventually rolled over revealing that someone had indeed drawn a dick on his back with the sunscreen. The three of us couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the sight of our friend. I felt as Bakugou began to wake up from the noise and soon decided to go to bed.
I led the sleepy blonde to his room and had him lay down on his bed. I flipped his bedside lamp off and curled up next to his side as he reached around my chest to intertwine our fingers.
"Goodnight, my love," I whispered as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze.


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