Chapter Seventeen: Softie

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My eyes fluttered open at the feeling of his fingertips tucking a lock of red hair behind my ear

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My eyes fluttered open at the feeling of his fingertips tucking a lock of red hair behind my ear. His perfect, porcelain skin glowed in the early sunlight that poured through the windows. Everything seemed so perfect in that moment, so I settled back down and held his hand to my bare chest and closed my eyes again. I felt his other arm slip around my waist and pull me closer, resting his chin on top of my head.
As if on cue, an overly-chipper Mina came through the door followed by a drowsy looking Kaminari.
"Guys! Come on, get up! It's Christmas Eve! Time to do some festive shit," she yelled excitedly, jumping on our bed. Bakugou was quick to draw the blankets over my body while grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her head, shouting at her childlike behavior.
"There's a thing called knocking, dumbass! Learn how to do it next time, for fuck's sake," he yelled at her as she grabbed hold of Denki and ran out of the room, laughing loudly down the hallway.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching as I reached over for my pajama bottoms. My eyes raked over his defined figure as he laid back against the headboard, letting out an annoyed sigh.
"Why do they have to be up so damn early," he growled.
"You know how they are, Baku. Just try and humor them for the time being, you know?"
"Tch, whatever," he rolled his eyes. I extended my hand out to him and grabbed his wrist, dragging him out of bed as he continued to sulk.
As we made our way down the stairs to the common room, we heard a loud crash followed by several collective groans of annoyance. We soon found a short-circuited Denki sprawled across the floor next to a poor attempt of a gingerbread house. The roof was beginning to cave in and the colorful candies were slowly sliding down the walls due to the icing beginning to melt.
"What happened to Pikachu?" Bakugou asked the rest of the group.
"He wanted to know if his nose acted like a power outlet, so he stuck a butter knife up one of his nostrils," Sero responded as he picked up the smaller boy, placing him on the couch.
"The bitch got what was coming to him," Mina said, popping one of the candies in her mouth. "We were going to have a gingerbread house contest but everyone else either left early this morning or is packing up to go home," she continued.
"My parents are going to pick me up this afternoon and Sero said he's taking Denki with him in a couple of hours when his mom shows up. What about you guys?"
I knew my parents wouldn't come by to take me home so I planned on staying at the dorms. Not that it bothered me, I just didn't have a way to get home. I looked at Bakugou as he started talking.
"The old hag's coming by to get me tomorrow so I'm going to be here tonight," he said.
"I'm not going to be able to go home this year so I'll probably just stay here to train and get ready for school," I said, giving a wide grin to my friends.
"No you're not," Bakugou objected, leaving me confused. "You're coming home with me tomorrow, you hear me?" he said with a small smile. I looked at him with a slight smirk and laughed when a blush covered his face.
"Aww, look at you, Baku, being a big ol' softie," Mina cooed, batting her eyelashes. His blush only darkened at her words and he muttered for her to "shut up" while looking anywhere else but us.
Later that evening, Bakugou and I sat in the common room watching Christmas movies. Mina had just left with her parents, leaving the two of us alone for the night.
"You want popcorn," he asked as the credits rolled for one movie, signaling for another to start right after. I nodded and he got off of the couch, stumbling towards the kitchen. I took the blanket we were previously sharing and cocooned my entire body with it, snuggling into the arm of the couch and closing my eyes. As he placed the bag in the microwave, I heard him softly hum with the tune of Frosty the Snowman as it came on television.
I laughed knowing that only I was able to see this side of Bakugou that he so carefully hid from the rest of the world. I felt crazy sometimes because I saw him differently than everyone else, but I guess that's the beauty in loving him. I've learned that it is with the heart that you can truly see what is invisible to the eye. To me, he will be unique in all the world, and I in his.
"You know, you're going to have to move over if you want any popcorn," he said as he entered the room. I opened my eyes and shyly looked at him before scooting over. He sat down and put my head in his lap as he propped his feet up on the coffee table, handing me the bowl. He rested his arms on my sides and stroked his thumb over my knuckles as he began watching the movie. I couldn't help but notice his perfect complexion as the dim light from the screen cast over his striking features. His face had lost its trademark scowl and his youth was more notable. Upon feeling my unwavering gaze, he looked down at me questioningly.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just can't keep my eyes off of you," I said, laughing at the end.
"Shut up, you damn sap," he said as he playfully shoved my arm with a grin. I reached upwards and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a gentle kiss which he gladly returned. It felt too good to be true as he melted into our embrace compared to how he had been acting these last few weeks. His hands eventually started to roam around my body before he jabbed me in a sensitive spot in my side, tickling me relentlessly.
"B-Baku! I can't-I can't breathe, you asshole!" I laughed as he continued to tickle me. The blanket eventually fell to the ground in which he stopped his actions, allowing me to finally catch my breath as he leaned down to collect the cover. He then bundled himself under its warmth and wrapped the remainder around my shoulders.
"Don't steal the whole blanket next time either," he said jokingly, placing the bowl of popcorn between us and pulling me closer to his side, continuing to watch the movie.  I closed my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder knowing that I had found my true happiness.


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