Chapter Two: Newer Heights

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And so life goes on

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And so life goes on. He doesn't act like our shared moment of tenderness ever happened, nor do I. Of course, we still talk and meet with the others, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero, but it's almost as if he is trying to forget. I don't know, maybe I'm over-analyzing the whole situation, but I can't get it out of my head for the life of me! How could I forget? This was completely out of character for him.
"Kiri!" Mina shouts at me. I snap back into reality at the call of my name.
"You good, man? You kind of zoned out for a second," Sero said.
"I don't know, bro. Looks like he caught ligma," Kaminari replied.
"What's that?" Sero asked, eliciting a string of laughter from the electric blonde.
I refocused my attention to the front of the classroom once again and caught a glimpse of Bakugou looking at me from the corner of his eye. He gave a slight smirk as if to say, you caught me, so what's the point in hiding it now?
I shook my head slightly at his coy demeanor and started toward his seat; however, Aizawa Sensei then emerged from his sleeping bag, resembling a cocoon and began class before I could.
Soon enough class had ended for the day and I began to gather my belongings. I tried to slow the process of packing up my things to match those of Bakugou's. Aizawa Sensei had just left as it was Friday, which left only me and Bakugou in the classroom.
"I know what you're doing, hair-for-brains," he called out with his back turned to me.
"What do you mean, Bakubro?" I teased. He breathed out making a "tch" noise as he started to walk towards my seat. I swung my backpack over my shoulders and looked him in the eyes as he reached me. He quietly took my hand into his, keeping his eyes trained on the floor.
"What is it, Baku?"
"Did you want to come over to my room this afternoon?"
He lacked his usual pride he exuded when he spoke.
"I guess I can. After all, you still owe me a game of Mario Kart since you decided to doze off. And in the middle of a tie-breaking match!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered, a smirk plastered across his face.
"I've got it!" Mina yelled. "The 'Bakusquad!'"
We hear the other two chime in with their agreements.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, setting my bag on the couch in the common room. Music played faintly in the background as Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida are playing a board game of some sort and Jirou is browsing the music selection.
"We were talking about our squad name and have decided that we are now the Bakusquad!" Mina yelled excitedly as she and Kaminari rose to their feet to high five each other.
"It does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it," Bakugou remarked as he stretched out on the couch. "But that doesn't mean that you extras should use it all the damn time either."
"Well I declare that we have our first sleepover as the Bakusquad tonight," Mina said. Kaminari was the first to agree, along with Sero; however, I looked over to Bakugou to see if he was okay. He gave me a disappointed look as our original plans of video games were now seemingly ruined. He agreed a little reluctantly after I chimed in with my support of Mina's proposal.
"Awesome! We're going to stay in Bakugou's room."
"What? Why my room?"
"Because I don't want to know what condition these three keep their rooms in," she replied, which to be fair, has some truth to it. I haven't done laundry in the past month so the smell alone is horrendous.
"Why not in your room?"
"Oh my god, no. I can't have four teenage boys in my room," she said, pinching the bridge of her nose closed.
"Whatever, Raccoon Eyes."
With that, we headed up to Bakugou's dorm to set off the sleepover. 
We were spread out on the pile of blankets we had scattered on the floor by Bakugou's bed. Sero had just gotten his toes painted a turquoise color by Mina and now Kaminari was letting her paint his fingers a bright purple.
"Let's watch a scary movie, guys," Mina suggested after she finished Kaminari's nails.
"What about a classic one?" Sero inquired. 
"How about YouTube Rewind 2018?" Kaminari laughed. We all joined in on his giggle fit as he pretended to be Will Smith saying things like "that's hot, that's real hot," and "oh yeah, it's rewind time."
We ended up agreeing on the original Pet Semetary and Mina, Sero, and Kaminari fell asleep halfway through the movie, but not until after eating all the snacks.
"I knew they'd crash soon," I heard from the bed that I leaned against. I laughed lightly as to not disturb the three sleeping lumps stacked upon one another.
"Come here, weird hair," he said, moving over a bit and patting a spot next to him.
I got up and slowly moved towards the bed. He carefully wrapped his camouflage comforter around both of our shoulders as we sat in a comfortable silence as the movie continued. I found myself unable to focus on the plot and instead on the fiery blonde next to me. I became conscious of every little move that was made between us.
I felt my body tense as his shoulder brushed against mine; however, instead of moving away, I leaned into his touch. He took notice of this and looked over at me curiously, as did I. His eyes glimmered the way they had the night before, full of wonder and hesitation. The only exchange we needed was a glance before we began to lean further into each other. I parted my lips as I delicately placed them on his, sharing a gentle kiss.
His lips were velvety and sweet.
My hands were sweating and gripping the bottom of my shirt nervously.
As we parted, he placed his forehead to mine. I'm sure he was looking at me but I hadn't opened my eyes yet. I wanted to remember this feeling.
"Is this what you meant when you wanted me to come over today," I laughed quietly, finally daring to look back at him. He only smiled and laid back against the mattress, opening his arms for me to climb into.
I clumsily fumbled into his hold, bumping into his legs multiple times. He wrapped his arms around me securely and closed his eyes. I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy in front of me. He cracked his eyes open and saw me staring.
"Stop staring. Just go to sleep."
"Sorry," I said as I buried my face in his neck, breathing in his caramel scent.
"Don't be sorry, just go to sleep, Kiri," he whispered and planted a kiss on my temple which caused my face to flush. I wrapped my arms around his waist and drifted off, dreaming about him.


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