Chapter Eleven: Without You

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I don't know how long it had been since I last saw the crimson gleam of his eyes

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I don't know how long it had been since I last saw the crimson gleam of his eyes. The last time I heard his bountiful laughter echo through the room. Maybe a day? Maybe three weeks? I couldn't tell anymore.
I sat next to his bed where he laid in the medical wing, holding his hand while bouncing my leg from nervousness. There hadn't been news any different from the beginning, whether that's good or bad I wasn't sure. As the days continued to progress, I fell behind on my schoolwork and didn't show up for training. The last time I went to training, I couldn't escape the look Kirishima gave me. He was everywhere around me. Midoriya had managed to take me down at the end of our battle with almost no effort. I couldn't trust myself anymore. I would panic if I tried to activate my quirk causing only the smallest of sparks to erupt from my palms and even that terrified me.
I spent most of my days sitting in the same rickety, metal chair without leaving the room. I couldn't eat anything and I knew I was getting smaller, but I refused to leave his side. My friends would stop by after school to give me any work I missed, though I never did it and attempted to convince me to eat or drink, or just take care of myself in general.
First, I had hurt my best friend, then I moved on the hurt my other close friends, and now I'm only hurting myself. I couldn't bring myself to talk to them at that point. Maybe it was out of embarrassment, or maybe it was guilt; whatever it was, it was slowly overwhelming me into a constant state of anxiety.
I could practically hear Kirishima's voice in my head telling me how "unmanly" I was being for not talking about my feelings or some shit like that. I softly laughed as I thought this; however, the ghost of his voice only broke me down even more.
I miss him so much, dammit.
I slouched over as I began to cry over his bed, heaving panicked sobs into his shoulder. I looked up to his face and cupped his face in my hands and pressed our foreheads together and continued to cry. He looked so fragile in this state. So empty. So drained of life.
I kissed all over his face before I sat back in the chair, trying to calm down and prepare for the long, lonely night ahead of me.
It was the first day of winter.
He's been asleep since the beginning of autumn.
I sat on the front steps of the dorm while snow softly drifted its way down from the sky. The dimness from the streetlights cast everything under an eerie, golden glow. Everything seemed unusually still that night as if the world had finally caught up to the emptiness I felt. I hadn't gone to see him in two weeks. It hurt too much to see him withering away before my very eyes.
I know I'm not helping myself either. I haven't slept soundly since the first night without him and my dreams of the League had started to return, only this time I was one of the villains.
At the sound of the door opening behind me, I perked my head up to see it was a bundled up Midoriya walking towards me with a blanket in his arms. He sat down next to me and wrapped the heavy cover over my shoulders, muttering something about catching a cold. I hardly felt the freezing bite of the winter air but didn't object to his actions. We sat there in silence for a few moments before he began to speak.
"Kacchan, please come in. You're going to get sick," he said. "I know you're upset, but this isn't going to help."
The searing heat of anger ripped through my chest at his words. Upset?! He says I'm upset? How can he say that? There are no words describing how I feel. I don't even know how I feel, for fucks sake.
I wanted to yell at him for what he said. For what I did. For all the little things in the world that no one seemed to understand until they found themselves in the middle of. But I hadn't the energy or the heart to do that to the frail boy next to me. My eyes welled up and my eyebrows scrunched together as I let out a staggered breath.
I felt as he cautiously wrapped an arm around me as I buried my face in my hands and cried my stupid eyes out. We sat there like that for what felt like forever before I had the courage to speak.
"Whenever I think about w-what I did to him, I get s-so sick. It hurts so much. It hurts like hell," I said. His grip only tightened on my shoulders as I buried my face in his neck.
Eventually, he led me to the common room where the rest of the class sat. Sero emerged from the kitchen with a cup of tea and placed it down on the coffee table in front of me. Mina made her way over to the couch where I sat and let me lay across her lap. Everyone tried acting as normally as possible, but there was an obvious cloud of anxiety and sadness looming over the entirety of the class. No one spoke directly to me as I had closed my eyes and made no intention of joining any conversation.
I felt as Mina played with my hair in an attempt to comfort me and I was reminded of how Kirishima would do the same in the still of the night. I was reminded of how he would mindlessly fiddle with his fingers as he focused on his work during our study sessions and how he often quirked his scarred eyebrow when he finally understood something. I was reminded of how the corners of his eyes would crease when he laughed. The more I thought about him, the more I felt like crying.
I felt like I was in the wrong world without him because I knew that I didn't want to exist in a world where we didn't end up together. I know that whatever universe that he's happy in is the universe where my heart lives on.


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