Chapter Eighteen: Little Rubies

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I woke up to a frantic looking Bakugou who had just leaped from the couch, cursing under his breath

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I woke up to a frantic looking Bakugou who had just leaped from the couch, cursing under his breath.
"We overslept! Get up! My mom will be here soon," he said, sounding panicked. I lifted my head and looked around. We had fallen asleep in the common room and it was mid-morning as the sun was nearly at its highest peak in the sky. Bakugou had disappeared upstairs as I planted my feet on the floor, groggily scratching my head. I heard his pounding footsteps on the floor above me as he hurriedly gathered his belongings, calling out to me as he did so.
"Kiri! Come get your stuff together! She'll be here any minute!"
I groaned and stood up, stretching.
"Alright, alright! I'll be up," I called up to him.
There was a knock on the door as I started off towards the stairs, causing me to reluctantly turn my heel and answer in my half-awake state. Opening the door, I was met with a blonde-haired woman, similarly looking to Bakugou and a darker haired man. The woman greeted me with a smile as her attention was turned from her husband to me.
"Hi! I'm Mitsuki, Bakugou's mother. Is he here?"
"Mmhmm...yeah, he's here" I tiredly responded, standing motionless in the doorway. She raised a questioning eyebrow, "Can we see him, then?"
The sudden realization of the situation came crashing down on me as I stood in front of my boyfriend's parents for the first time in only my t-shirt and boxer shorts.
"Oh!" I gasped out, my eyes becoming very wide. I slammed the door and ran up the stairs to Bakugou's dorm, barging through the doorway haphazardly.
"Your parents are here," I said out of breath.
"Shit!" he swore. He repeated himself numerous times as he started to increase his pace about the room, packing away various articles of clothing. I reached my hands up to my head and let out a long sigh of frustration.
"Oh shit, Baku. Your parents are here and I just slammed the door in their face," I said, rubbing my hands over my temples.
"You know what else? My parents are here and we're not packed yet," he barked back at me.
After what felt like hours of hopping around the dorms, collective swearing, and packing, we finally managed to sloppily fill two duffel bags of our clothes and made our way to properly greet the awaiting couple outside. I left my hair down and used a headband Katsuki had bought for me to keep it out of my eyes. A low mumbled greeting was heard from Bakugou as he opened the door, yet again revealing his parents. The blonde headed lady, Mitsuki, hastily pulled him into a hug to which he made no intention of concealing his protest, wailing and squirming under her rigid hold. I only laughed at the two and gave a slight nod to the taller man idly standing in the doorway. A sharp gasp was heard from the woman as her gaze settled on me.
"You must be Kirishima! I couldn't tell when you first opened the door, but now...the beautiful smile, handsome face, and charming eyes! What did you call them Katsuki? 'Little rubies,'" she asked, arm draped over his shoulder and smirk plastered across her face.
"Shut it, you old hag!"
I blushed as the two continued bantering and turned to the man again.
"You must be Mr. Bakugou. It's a pleasure meeting you, sir," I nervously said, sticking out a shaky hand.
"It's nice to finally meet you, too. Please, call me Masaru," he said, very timidly shaking my hand in return. His mild-mannered behavior clashed with the explosive temper the rest of his family seemed to share.
With an audible 'thwap,' Mitsuki looked at me with a warm, motherly smile. "So you're going to spend the holidays with us?"
"Yes, ma'am. I-If that's o-okay with you, I mean!" I responded, sounding very panicked.
"Of course! Katsuki's been talking about you so much that I've been dying to meet you," she said, enveloping me in a warm hug.
I saw as Bakugou began gathering his things and I did the same, following the family out to their car. Kat and I walked to the trunk together. I took his hand and looked up at him reassuringly.
"Everything's going to be fine," I said.
"I just know how they are, though. Especially my mom, for God's sake. She has no filter sometimes and I don't want you to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable if she asks anything...weird," he trailed off. I placed my mitten covered hands on his cheeks that were pink from the cold air.
"I'm fine. They're fine. Everything is great," I told him again, parting my mouth and gently kissing his lips. His eyes softened from the previous state of anxiety they had once been filled with to that of tenderness and love.
"Better now?" I asked.
"Yes, puppy," he said with a soft, shy voice.


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