Chapter Five: First Time

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>NSFW Warning<

We stood together by the side of my bed intertwined in a bundle of lust and passion

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We stood together by the side of my bed intertwined in a bundle of lust and passion. He ran his hands up my sides as he peeled my shirt off with an admiring sigh. I arched my back when he touched in between my shoulder blades with his cold hands while he peppered kisses along my neck. I gripped my fingers in his blonde locks and pulled him down with me as I sat on the bed.
I could feel how aroused he was as he straddled my hips and pushed me on my back, causing a scarlet blush to creep around my neck and face. I reached out towards his face to bring him into another deep make-out session. His hands continued to travel around my body as our tongues fought for dominance.
I was the first to break away in a gasp as his cold hands brushed against my lower abdomen. He ducked his head downwards to kiss and bite along my chest and stomach, not before creating a few love bites.
"Kat. Please," I whimpered out, gripping the sheets and turning my knuckles white.
He sat back up and took one of my hands, leading it to his lips and kissing, first, my wrists, then my knuckles, and then in between each finger. Leaning down, he whispered in my ear, "What do you want, Ei?"
"I want you. I want all of you, Katsuki," I softly let out. For a moment I thought he didn't hear me, but he lightly blew and licked the shell of my ear as he placed my hand on his chest. I heard him moan slightly as I began to massage the area with the palm of my hand and thumbing his nipple gently.
I gently rolled my hips when I felt him begin to undo my belt and unbutton my pants. With a sudden haste, he tore off my bottoms with my help and then began to palm my erection. I felt the warmth of his tongue on my clothed dick as he licked the outside of my boxers and I moaned at the sensation and grasped at his shoulders. He raised his head to look at me in slight confusion at first when I slowly leaned up to reach for the waistband of his pants. This confusion quickly melted into a smirk as he helped strip himself down into his underwear. He still sat straddling my hips as I reached up to tilt his head for access to his neck and under his chin. I bit into the side of his neck causing him to groan and wrap his hands around the back of my head in an attempt to pull me closer. This dominance of mine didn't last long however as he pinned me down to the mattress and raised his fingers to my face which I gladly invited into my mouth.
His other hand roamed down to the hem of my boxers and I was soon greeted with the rush of chilled air to my lower region causing me to gasp and let go of Bakugou's fingers.
"You need to tell me if it hurts too much, okay?"
I gave a nod in reply and felt as one of his fingers slipped inside of me. I yelped and felt myself clamp down on he foreign object before being bombarded with sweet praises from Bakugou and the feeling of his lips on my cheek.
"You have to relax for me, baby. I don't want this to hurt you. You're doing so good," he whispered into my ear. I let out a shuttered breath and nodded as I told him to add another. This finger was followed by a lot more pain causing my eyes to well up in tears.
"Are you okay? Do you want to stop?"
"N-no. Its o-okay. I just n-need a minute."
He continued to shower me in praise and I soon told him to add another.  He massaged my abdomen as he entered this finger and continuously kissed my face to distract me from the pain. I moaned as he began to move his fingers inside of me.
After a few moments, I began to push back on his fingers as he thrusted them back and forth. I looked at him through half-lidded eyes and nodded, giving him the signal to proceed. He pulled out his slender fingers and kissed my temple as he lined his cock up with my entrance. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my nails into his shoulders as he pushed himself in. I moaned out in immense pain as it felt as if I was being torn apart. He stopped to let me adjust and wiped tears from my eyes with a concerned look.
"Just tell me if it's too much, okay, Ei," he said. He moaned as I tightened around him and took my hand into his.
He didn't dare move yet as a constant flow of tears streamed down my cheeks. He almost seemed to pull out before I stopped him.
"You'll k-kill me if you s-stop."
With this, he pushed the rest of the way in with a loud groan. We laid there for a few moments to allow ourselves to catch our breath until I tapped on his shoulder to signal to him that I was ready.
He rested his head on my shoulder as he began to slowly thrust his length into me. We both let out breathy moans as he began to pick up his pace. I clawed at his back as he steadied me with a harsh grip on my waist.
Everything was pure bliss as the room was filled with our sighs and groans of content  and the sound of our skin. I felt his head brush against a bundle of nerves within me causing me to desperately call out his name, begging him to ram into that spot. He repositioned himself inside of me to where he could easily access and abuse the spot every time he thrusted. I began to feel a warmth spreading throughout my stomach as I felt myself reaching my end.
"K-kat, close...," was all I could get out.
"Me, t-too."
We continued for a few moments before I loudly moaned as I felt myself release which, in turn, I heard Katsuki release a low growl as I tightened around him.
I felt as he came into me while he continued to lightly thrust, completely riding out both of our orgasms. His legs collapsed as he pulled out.
"Oh, god," he said in a raspy voice. I began to let out shaky, breathless laughs and soon felt him erupt in laughter and he propped himself up on his forearms. He looked me in my eyes as he wiped the remaining tears of pleasure off of my face. My eyes were still wide in disbelief as he stared at me.
"Oh my fucking god. That was amazing. What the hell?" I said as I rubbed my face in shock. He only laughed at me and moved my hands aside to capture my lips in a soft kiss.
"I love you, Ei. So fucking much," he whispered.
"I love you, too. More than you could know."


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