Chapter Seven: Burning Love

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As the morning came, we raced each other down the road to class, laughing the whole time

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As the morning came, we raced each other down the road to class, laughing the whole time. Many of our classmates gave us strange glances as we trampled through the streets, yet we didn't have a care in the world. We were now filled with a sense of childlike carelessness as we finally felt like ourselves. Like we didn't have to hide anymore. Like we were infinite.
There were no more boundaries, no more secrets, no surprises, there was simply nothing but the essence of our belonging to one another. I am so in love with receiving love. I am so in love with giving love. I am so in love with our cohesiveness. I am so in love with him.
The world seems to be in color nowadays, rather than just black and white. He makes me forget what it's like to loathe myself. It's almost as if I've known him forever. By touch, by smell, I would know him blind; I would even know him in death.
I reached the gates before Bakugou could catch up to me. I smiled as he ran up to me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist, slightly setting us into a spinning motion. I then took his hand and set off towards class even though we arrived earlier than usual.
Upon entering our first period, we were greeted by none other than our class representative, Tenya Iida.
"I swear he practically lives at school," Bakugou whispered to me as we passed his seat. I ruffled his hair as I sat down, taking out my materials for the school day ahead of us and completing some last minute homework. Soon enough, the class was filled with our fellow peers and the usual chatter they all brought. For once, I was ready to get through another day.
Today we were continuing our practice on hand-to-hand combat and our signature moves. Of course Bakugou and I teamed together since our quirks were most compatible with each other so we could further push ourselves in our training. We stood a distance away from each other preparing to fight.
"Come at me with everything you've got, shit hair, because I'm not gonna hold back this time," he yelled across the room.
"Sure thing! I'll knock you flat on your ass again today, too, while I'm at it," I joked.
At that, he propelled himself off the ground coming in my direction. I quickly hardened my skin and dodged his attack. We continued our game of cat and mouse for a few moments before I noticed All Might, the number one hero, approach the arena to observe. I knew Bakugou was sensitive on the topic of All Might since Midoriya has taken his interest. Katsuki worked hard to prove himself but continued to put himself down for being viewed as the "lesser than" with his childhood friend. I tried to coax him into spending time with Midoriya to train and review the notes he's taken on his quirk but to no avail. He lets his pride get ahead of him and he feels as though he is the only person that can help him in his future career.
My step falters as I continue to worry about him and I hear him fire off more explosions from his palms. Before I can counter his attack, he sends flames at my arm, which isn't fully hardened. My eyes tear up as the searing pain strikes through my body, yet I continue to pursue our battle.
I hear as he launches himself again and attempt to activate my quirk but I feel exhaustion creeping up on me causing a delay in my reaction. Once again, his explosions burn my skin and I am left even more hurt and tired. This continued to happen until I finally gave up on any kind of combat and surrendered myself on my knees. In his attempt to amaze All Might, he doesn't realize that our competition is over and continues to attack me with all his will. Many of the teachers had been trying to gain his attention before Aizawa Sensei stepped in and deactivated his quirk.
I feel as I fully collapse onto the ground with my skin screaming in agony. I meet Bakugou's eyes before I hit the floor and attempt to give a small smile.
I wanted to scream as the only thing I could see was the shocked face of my Katsuki. Why did he look so sad? Was he crying, too? But I can't comfort him as I was met with darkness.
I love you, I thought. But I couldn't say anything.


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