Chapter Twelve: Awaken My Love

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The sudden noise of shuffling and familiar voices woke me from my sleep

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The sudden noise of shuffling and familiar voices woke me from my sleep. Mina, Denki, and Sero were still in the common room with me as we had all fallen asleep on the couch together. I slowly began to sit up as I noticed Aizawa Sensei in the room with us. He was instructing us to follow him to the medical ward. I groggily looked at the clock hanging on the wall which read 3:20 A.M.
Once I had stood up, Mina locked our arms together in a sudden nervousness. I broke free of her grasp as a moment of fear and confusion took hold of me. I didn't wait for further instruction from Aizawa and began sprinting towards my Kirishima, ignoring the calls of my friends from behind me.
I burst through the doors of the recovery center and continued my desperate search. As I approached his room, I was stopped by multiple teachers, including All Might in his weakened form.
"Young Bakugou, please stay back for a moment. Recovery Girl is tending to Young Kirish-" he started while holding me back.
"Let me go, asshole! I have to see him! He needs me, dammit," I yelled, prying the former pro hero's arms off of me. I darted into Kirishima's room and saw as Recovery Girl stood over him.
His skin a sickly porcelain white and once toned body now reduced to a slim frame. He had patches of burned skin over his arms and parts of his face. My heart stopped at the sight of my lover and a wave of panic washed over me. I felt a burning sensation along the rims of my eyes and tears threatened to spill.
"Squeeze my hand, Kirishima," I heard her command. Surprisingly, I saw as his slim fingers weakly tightened around her hand. He grunted and began to stir slightly. The heart monitor had begun to beep quickly and I could see his eyes move back and forth. I stepped closer to the bed with tears streaming down my face as he suddenly took in a sharp breath with his eyes wide. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as he frantically looked around with a thick layer of sweat covering his body.
Recovery Girl leaned over and gave a kiss to his forehead, calming him down. His heart rate dropped to a normal level and his breathing became even as he started to focus on the room. I heard as the others entered the room followed by several protests from the teachers. They all gasped in unison and smothered Kirishima in a hug, pressing me close to his chest.
"Kat..." he softly whispered. The others backed away, allowing me to look into his eyes. I gave a large, tearful smile as he gave a small grin in return. He reached out to grab my cheek and putting our foreheads together. I littered kisses all around his face as he weakly wrapped his thin arms around my shoulders.
I looked into his eyes which were filled with the warm gleam that I had missed so much. I gave another big smile that was rarely ever seen by others except for him. I felt an immense wave of giddiness wash over me at the sight of his toothy grin.
The blinding shine of his smile was enough to make all the stars, all the moons, all the planets, and the entire universe stop and stare in awe.
Only he could give me that feeling.


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