Chapter Four: Alone Together

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"You should leave your hair down more often," Bakugou says as he runs his fingers through my red hair

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"You should leave your hair down more often," Bakugou says as he runs his fingers through my red hair.
"I don't really like to leave it down. It makes me feel more manly when I put it up," I say.
I rested my head in his lap as we basked in the company of one another in our secret haven. Wildflowers bloomed all around us as the hint of spring was felt in the air making everything seem to hum with life. I had made him a flower crown earlier in which he put on with a clearly fake distaste; however, this only enhanced his soft features as the pale lavender color clashed with his fiery red eyes.
I stop the hand he uses to play with my hair and instead lead it towards my lips. I let a soft kiss brush over his knuckles as he gazed down at me with a loving glow.
He leaned down to meet my lips with a kiss in which I happily returned. I then rose to prop myself up with my arm to deepen the kiss. He placed a hand on my neck causing me to grant him more access to the sensitive area. He peppered kisses along my jawline causing my heart and eyelashes to flutter with bashfulness as well as surprise. I let out a breathy sigh and felt him smile against my neck. He brought his face back to meet mine and gazed into my eyes as we laughed while our lips still brushed against each other.
I saw stars in this moment of passion and wished for it to never end; for it to be forever embedded in my memory as the first true sense of love I've ever felt. His eyes turned soft and a hint of sadness began to become more evident.
"Baku? Hey? What's wrong?"
"Just...I'm not pressuring you, am I? With whatever we are," he made a circular gesture with his hand, "just please tell me it's real and I'm not making you feel like you have to do this. Especially with me of all people."
"Of course it is. I like you, Blasty. A lot at that. You're one of the closet people in my life, I feel like I can tell you anything," I said as I pulled him into a tight embrace to let him know that I meant it.
Bakugou is never one to typically express his emotions, let alone his insecurities. He always seems to be so confident and self assured which is something I've always admired about him. But I know it's only a facade. It's just a way to avoid himself.
I've only seen this side of him once and that was after my classmates and I rescued him from the League of Villains. He would often wake up in the middle of the night from dreaming of the kidnapping and the events that followed in which he would come to my dorm to sleep. He seemed so small and vulnerable during those nights as he would heave panicked sobs into my chest without ever saying a word. I never minded this. Not once did I question or judge him, nor did I tell any other person about our midnight secrets.
Perhaps it was on these personal nights that I began to feel something more for him without even having a clue of what it was. Or maybe it was much earlier than that. Maybe it was as soon as we first locked eyes. Maybe it was the first words we ever exchanged with one another. Maybe it was some other cliche that occurred to make me fall for him. Irregardless of what or when it was, I knew I was spellbound by him in every way.
A silence had settled between us. All I could hear was his heart, with each beat pounding like a drum.
"I love you, Katsuki."
His arms tightened around me at these words. He takes a deep breath and says, "I love you, too, Eijirou." I smile and nuzzle my cheek into his soft blonde hair as we sit in our own paradise, enjoying each other's company.
The sun was beginning to settle along the horizon by the time we returned to the dorms. Everything was relatively quiet in the common room. The only noise came from the television which Midoriya and Todoroki were watching and happily chatting over. I assumed most of the class was still out with Mina so I led Bakugou up to my dorm.
Once we entered my room, I immediately started to clean up a few things here and there to at least make my place seem presentable. I threw a bundle of clothes into my already overflowing laundry hamper and turned to see Bakugou viewing my display of Crimson Riot collectibles. He tilted his head upwards to view my varying array of hero posters, some of which I had had since I was a little kid. He reached out to grab a photo of me and my mother from a few years ago. He smiled down at our own gleaming faces and placed the frame back in its original place.
"I haven't felt this way in a long time, you know," he asked as he abruptly turned to me.
"What do you mean?"
"It's like that feeling when your stomach is all knotted up and your legs feel weak and your chest feels as if it could just catch on fire at any moment. It's stupid. It really is, but I feel it."
I took a step towards him and looked him in the eyes. I didn't do this to defy or challenge him, but instead to break all of my walls down and submit to him.
"I've never felt this way about anyone or anything, but, yeah, it's kinda stupid that you feel this way towards me of all people."
He took another step forward and answered with a smirk. "Well if you think it's stupid then we must be screwed." The gap between us was filled with a kiss filled with passion and love.
I placed my hands on his chest as he nibbled at my bottom lip. I opened my mouth in a gasp in which he moved his tongue into my mouth. His hands lowered themselves to rest on my lower back as our kiss became more intense. He traveled downwards with his lips to trace my jawline and then began to softly kiss my neck. I moaned out as he sucked an area below my ear lobe and I felt him smile into the spot as I tilted my head to the side to grant him more access to my skin. I tugged at the collar of his shirt as he began to suck my Adams Apple. He stepped back as I grabbed the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head leaving his broad chest exposed in which I let my fingertips graze over. I allowed my touch to travel down and flatten my palm against his stomach. I continued to move my hands along his waist as I pressed my lips to his shoulders, grinding my hips against his, our clothed arousal further igniting. He dipped his head down to place his lips to my collarbones as his hands moved under my shirt feeling of my back.
"Off," he breathily groaned into my neck.
"Katsuki~," I moaned as he pushed me towards my bed.


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