Chapter Eight: Cold Katsudon

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"Come at me with everything you've got, shit hair, because I'm not gonna hold back this time," I yelled across the room to Kirishima before we began training

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"Come at me with everything you've got, shit hair, because I'm not gonna hold back this time," I yelled across the room to Kirishima before we began training.
"Sure thing! I'll knock you flat on your ass again today, too, while I'm at it," he said in return, flashing me his signature toothy grin.
That was the last thing I remember before I saw him fall.
"Young Bakugou! Hold off your attack! Katsuki!" All Might yelled as he ran to Kirishima's aid. I hadn't realized what was happening until it was too late. I wanted to make an impression that I was improving and that I was still better than that stupid, Deku. Teachers rushed from every side in an effort to help Eijirou, yet to no avail.
What's the big deal? I thought, I only knocked the wind out of him. Damn. Just give him a second and he'll be back on his feet.
Without a second thought, I took a step forward and caught sight of Kiri. My Kiri. He was sprawled on the ground in a lifeless heap with blood trickling from boils on his body.
"Kiri?" I called out weakly, tears were spilling from my eyes as I looked at him. He made an attempt to smile, but it looked more like a grimace which only made my heart break even more. What have I done?
I tried to run to his side, but I was held back by my classmates. At least I think I was held back, or maybe my legs weren't moving like I wanted them to.
I watched as he was carried away from me and continued my struggle to reach him. Denki and Sero, I now realized, were on either side of me, trying to hold me back as Mina held me in a tight hug, letting me cry into her shirt. Anything I tried to say came out incoherent and muffled.
We stood there for what felt like hours before I realized the entirety of class 1-A was huddled around me in a tight embrace trying to comfort me for what was my fault.
I didn't sleep that night as I was left without knowing Kirishima's condition. I only knew a Recovery Girl wasn't able to fully heal him which, of course, didn't make anything better. That was the day I learned that silence can be very loud because all the memories are there, and they, of course, never intend to leave. All of the "what if's" and "should I's" swarm your mind and you're left with a burning sensation of indifference as you feel the crippling whirlwind of self-doubt consume your entire being.
Occasionally, a few of my classmates would visit me in my dorm throughout the night to give a few words of solace. I knew they only did this to make sure I didn't hurt myself but, even if I wanted to, I didn't have the energy. I couldn't feel anything.
There was yet another soft knock on the door and Deku stepped in my room for the third time that night. This time, he had a dish of food. I watched as he cautiously approached my bed and set the bowl on my nightstand.
"I brought this just in case you felt like eating," he said in his soft voice.
"Todoroki made katsudon for everyone and thought to bring you a serving."
He sat down on the floor next to my bed as he continued to talk.
"Everything is going to work out fine. I'm sure of it. Kirishima is a strong hero, isn't he?"
Yes, I thought. Yes he is. He's very head strong, too. I felt a small smile form on my face and let a few tears glide across my cheeks at the thought of him. I don't know what I'd do without him. My hero.
"Midoriya? I'm sorry. I really am," I said, letting out a shuddered sob. "I don't want to feel like a bad guy anymore. I don't want you to be afraid of me. I don't want to be like the people I hate."
He looked at me with soft eyes. I didn't deserve that look. Not after what I've done to him.
"I forgive you. You mean much more to everyone than you think. Please don't beat yourself up like this," he choked out. As if on cue, he began to cry. I lightly laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Don't cry, you dork. Just accept the damn apology."
He laughed as he took me into a gentle, friendly hug. We stayed that way for a while, just comforting on another before he went back to the common room, leaving me alone again.
I fell asleep just as the sun began to peak over the horizon, leaving the bowl of katsudon to remain untouched and my heart still in a million pieces.


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