Chapter Nine: Heart Monitor

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I opened my eyes to see a familiar red head leaning over me. I smiled up at him as he ran a thumb across my cheek. My body relaxed as I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. He suddenly pinched my cheek, forcing me to gasp and look at him in shock.
"Ei, you're hurting me." I winced.
"You hurt me more," he said, a little harsher than normal.
What's gotten into him? This isn't like him at all.
"Let go. Please!" I grabbed his wrist this time in an attempt to pull his hand away.
"You're a traitor, Kat. I guess you would have been better off with the League, after all, wouldn't you?"

My body jolted as I woke up from my nightmare. I let out a shaky breath and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I heard a knock at my door. Mina, followed by Denki and Sero, quietly walked into the room, thinking I was still asleep. Mina and Sero cleaned up around the room a bit since I had made a mess last night in a panic and Denki opened the curtains, letting in the sun's warm glow. They all jumped as I let out a gruff "good morning."
"Hey. How are you feeling, Baku?" Mina asked in a soft, motherly voice. She kneeled by the side of the bed and took one of his big calloused hands into two of her soft pink ones. I didn't answer, instead I stared down at my lap while trying to blink back tears. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and the other two soon followed suit.
"Did you want to come downstairs yet, or did you want to just hang out in here today?" she asked.
I shrugged but thought about my conversation with Midoriya last night. Maybe it would be best if I got up instead of moping around all day.
I sat on my bed as my three friends helped me prepare for the day. Sero and Denki were using their one shared brain cell to choose an outfit to my liking while Mina lightly cleaned my room and made small talk. I watched as she walked to the bedside table and picked up the bowl full of katsudon and gave a slight frown of disapproval.
"I'll see you guys downstairs," she said as she walked out the door, the bowl still in her hands. As she stepped into the hall, my black hoodie was thrown at my head, along with a pair of basketball shorts and I saw the other two dart out behind her. I was once again left with nothing but silence as I began to change.
Once I had finished my daily routine, I stepped outside of my dorm to go downstairs. I couldn't help but be stopped by the sight of Kirishima's door next to mine. I hesitated as my hand rested on the knob, but I tearfully opened the door despite my hesitancy. As I stood in the doorway, my chest began to ache at the thought of my best friend. Everything was the same as we had left it before... I ruined him.
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted my the soft call of my name from behind. I looked around to see Mina standing in the hallway.
"Bakugou, do you still want to join us?"
I stood there silently and wide-eyed. She stepped forward and gently pulled the door closed and carefully hooked her arm into mine while I continued to stand, motionless.
Once we reached the common room, all previous conversations were hushed. Many of my peers looked toward me with a certain anxiety and sadness plastered on their face. They then began to offer their condolences almost in unison. For the most part, I tuned them out, trying to focus my attention on nothingness. I only wanted to see Kiri. I needed to know that he was alright. I needed to tell him how sorry I was. To embrace him to not only assure him, but to assure myself that he was alive.
I made my way to the couch that was closest to the window and sat myself down as everyone started to go about their own way. I saw Recovery Girl accompanied by Aizawa Sensei outside, walking toward the dorm building. 'Oh, God. What do they have to say,' I thought. 'Please tell me that he's alright.'
I turned my attention towards the main entrance which had just opened, revealing the two teachers. I jumped up from my spot on the couch in anticipation.
"Well? How is he?"
"Come with us, dear," Recovery Girl called as she held out a small hand. I took her hand in an attempt to calm myself down as we walked across campus.
After what felt like ages, we reached what appeared to be the medical ward.  I was surrounded by white. Only white. The absence of color, yet still the color of innocence.

A void.

I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach from the lifeless color that was all around me until we stood in front of a solid wooden door labeled as room nine.
"We thought it would be best for you to see him, to at least put your mind to rest, dear," Recovery Girl spoke in a hushed voice. I looked to Aizawa Sensei as if to ask if I even wanted to see what laid behind the door. He only averted his gaze to the ground, suggesting he was deeply troubled. I closed my eyes and took a few moments to gather myself before turning the handle of the door.
The sun was casting its golden rays across the foot of his bed. The steady beeping of the heart monitor was the only noise that filled the room. I finally let my eyes land on his face.
My hero.
His skin looked badly burned and some of his beautiful red hair was singed at the ends. He slept with a disturbed expression as though he was still feeling the heat of the flames.
My flames.
"How long has he been asleep?" I asked.
"Bakugou, I... I think he's going to be asleep for awhile," Recovery Girl sadly stated.
"He's entered a state of comatose from the shock his body experienced before he blacked out. His body essentially shut down due to the extreme pain he felt," she explained.
"S-so you're saying he's... in a coma? Is that right?"
"I'm afraid so. We healed him to the best of our ability, but it wasn't quite enough for him to regain consciousness."
"Will he... um... Will he w-wake up," I asked, tears were now rolling down my cheeks at the sight of Kirishima.
"The possibility is in our favor, but there, of course, is still the chance...," she let the end of her sentence drift off. I knew what she meant, but I didn't want to know.
I shuffled over to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand. These were the same hands that had held mine only a day before. The same hands that had comforted me. The same hands that had explored me. These once familiar, soft hands were now left chapped and scarred because of me. I brought them to my lips and pressed a soft kiss to his palm and held him to my cheek. I began to sob and frantically apologize through heaved sighs after Recovery Girl had announced her departure. I didn't want to leave his side any time soon. I only wanted to be reassured by the beeps of the monitor that I hadn't lost him. Consequently, I ended up sleeping by his bed for the remainder of the day with the flow of tears ceaselessly flowing.


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