Chapter Twenty: Dancing With You

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After dinner, we gathered in the living room where we continued to chat

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After dinner, we gathered in the living room where we continued to chat. I had become a lot more comfortable after my small episode of panic and found that Bakugou's parents had begun to warm up to me. Music softly played in the background as Mr. Bakugou recalled various events from Katsuki's childhood such as birthdays, recitals, and previous Christmases. Several protests from Bakugou were heard but, much to his dismay, I insisted on hearing every story I could.
Mitsuki was heard humming in the kitchen as she cleaned the mess left behind from dinner. While Bakugou complained to his dad that he was posing as an embarrassment to him, I joined his mother in cleaning. I picked up a plate as she scrubbed the countertops, unaware of my presence, and began rinsing it under a stream of water. She suddenly turned to me, clearly startled.
"Oh, Kirishima! You don't have to worry about those, I'll get them. You can go sit and relax if you'd like," she said, reaching out for the plate.
"It's really no problem," I insisted. She only eyed me before returning to the counters with a smile.
We worked in silence for a few moments, listening to the two in the living room bicker back and forth. A familiar tune eventually brought me back to my senses as I dried the last dish, putting it away in the cupboard. I smiled as memories of listening to the song with my mother flooded my mind. We would often listen to the song late at night when it was just the two of us at home. I remember as she would rock me gently in her lap in an attempt to lull me to sleep while I clutched to her chest, hearing her heartbeat.
"Katsuki used to love to dance with me to this song when he was a little boy," Mitsuki said with a loving smile plastered on her face.
"He would stand on my shoes so I could teach him how to dance," she continued. As she reminisced, I extended my hand to her as an invitation to dance. I smiled as she gave a soft laugh and took it, placing a hand on my shoulder while I placed one on her back. I let her take the lead as we began to sway to the rhythm of the music.
"You've changed him, you know," she lowered her voice so I was the only one who could hear her.
"I haven't seen him like this for so long. I mean, he hasn't laughed this much since he was a kid, and his temper..." she trailed off, looking dreamily at her son. She seemed awestruck.
"I remember when you were in the hospital and he finally told us about your relationship. He was completely worn down. He put aside everything just to make sure you were okay," she started. "I was so worried for a long time that he'd never be able to sympathize with others after he was taken by those villains. I feared that he'd even see himself as one of them, changed him," she said, gently running her fingertips along a burn that scarred my face. She had a motherly charm to her to which I found myself leaning into the touch.
"For months he wasn't like his normal self. He had stopped taking care of himself, he wouldn't talk to us, he let his grades slip. Everything about him had just suddenly taken a turn for the worst," she spoke with a distant look. "I reached out to some of the teachers for help, but even they didn't know what to do. Masaru and I tried everything and one night I guess he just snapped with us."
I listened to her carefully and allowed her to take her time as I noticed tears beginning to fill her eyes.
"He stormed out of the house and didn't come back for three days. We didn't ask where he'd been, and even now we don't know what happened. But I think that's when I realized how lost he felt."
There was a brief pause before I spoke.
"I promise to take care of him, Mrs. Bakugou," I said. She met my gaze and gave a tearful grin.
"That's Mitsuki to you," she joked, playfully nudging my shoulder. "And I know you will. The way you two look at each other says a lot." We continued to sway to the music in silence before being interrupted by Bakugou who had quietly walked into the kitchen.
He leaned against the doorway and watched as Mitsuki led our dance.
"I see you two hit it off," he commented.
"She was just telling me how you used to dance," I said as Mitsuki suddenly twirled me around.
"Well if you don't mind, I'd like to show you myself," he joked, sticking his hand out towards me. Mitsuki flashed me a smirk before stepping away, allowing Bakugou to take her place. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he gripped my waist, leaning close to my ear.
"So what were you really talking about," he asked. I looked up at him and grinned with a mischievous glint.
"You almost sound worried about it."
"Me? Worried about what others think of me? Never," he replied sarcastically.
"It was all good things. I swear," I said in rebuttal, laughing at his dramatic voice.
As he began to smile, he buried his face into my neck to hide it, pulling me closer against his body; however, he still swayed to the rhythm of the music. By then, another song had started to play on the small radio sitting on the kitchen counter. Its tempo was slowed down causing Bakugou to slow the movements of his hips. He raised his head so our eyes were locked as he left ghostly traces of his lips on my own. I felt as his grip around my waist tightened so that our bodies were flush to one another. A vibrant rosiness had spread across his face as I intertwined my fingers in his hair, gently marrying our lips for a passionate kiss.
As the end of the song neared, Bakugou suddenly arched my back so that he was dipping me while he trailed soft kisses down my neck, stopping to nip at a few spots. As the song faded out, I felt warmth rise in my face as I became flustered from the sudden attention.
There was a certain tenderness to his look, something that is a rare sight to anyone else. His eyes shone with admiration and warmth as I stood upright after the song had ended. The pair of eyes looking back at me were the color of red roses, of a deep red wine, the color of blood itself. I couldn't help but melt into his gaze, the soft curve of his lips and the way they parted.
"You're staring," he whispered in my ear.
I jokingly squeezed my eyes shut before responding.
"This better?"
Suddenly, a familiar pair of lips collided with my own, eventually nipping lovingly at my lower lip. I laughed in surprise as he let out a slightly frustrated sigh.
"Alright, boys! Time to get ready for bed," Mitsuki said as she pranced into the kitchen with us.
"We don't need to be babied anymore, you know. We're sixteen now, old hag," Bakugou said, clearly aggravated from the invasion of privacy. She glared at him for a moment after his comment which, to be honest, scared me a little. After their staredown, a loud clap followed as Mitsuki had slapped Kat over the head, causing me to suppress a laugh.
I felt like I was going to explode with laughter after Mitsuki told him to go to bed again. Tears started to form in my eyes and a small bark of laughter slipped through my lips, causing Bakugou to look at me dully.
"Go ahead," he said as he started for the staircase. I giggled as I followed him down the hallway to his bedroom once we reached the second floor.
He looked down at me as I stretched across his bed, continuing my fit of laughter. He only gave a light chuckle in response.
"Come on, Kiri. Let's get ready like she said, otherwise I'll get slapped again," he jokingly stated, only causing me to laugh harder to the point of wheezing.
Eventually, he managed to pull me to the bathroom to freshen up before going to sleep.


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