Chapter Nineteen: Dandelion

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Katsuki eventually put his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes to briefly rest during the ride to his childhood home

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Katsuki eventually put his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes to briefly rest during the ride to his childhood home. His parents sat in the front and tried to initiate a conversation to get to know me a little better. About halfway to our destination, Mrs. Bakugou begins to enthuse about my performance in the Sports Festival that took place a few months prior.
"Your quirk involves hardening, doesn't it," she questions me. I gave a curt nod and explained how my power worked. "It basically allows my skin to become a rock so I can attack villains and even break through walls and stuff," I told her, slightly hardening my fingertips as a demonstration. She looked back at me and smiled widely.
"That's really amazing," she said. "I've never met anyone who can act as both an offense and a defense at the same time."
I laughed a little while looking at her dazzled expression as it reminded me of Bakugou. They really did look alike. Almost to a point where it was a little scary.
"The Sports Festival was really just a waste of time for me," Bakugou suddenly chimed in.
"What? You literally won every match without so much as one scratch. Not to mention that you came in first place," I said, chuckling at the bluntness of his statement.
"I only won because stupid Icyhot held back on me. He used it on shitty Deku but not on me?"
"Who's 'Icyhot,'" Mr. Bakugou asked.
"Oh, that's Todoroki. He was just pushed to his limit, I guess. No reason to hold it against him, Baku," I said, trying to calm him down. I grabbed hold of his hand and gently stroked over his knuckles. He glanced up at me and nodded slightly to which I noticed his parents exchange a look of wonder and surprise.
"Endeavor's son, right? Well, I guess I don't blame him based on the childhood he had, or at least from what I've read about it," Mrs. Bakugou stated. At her words, I could only feel sorry for my classmate since he did seem to have a tense relationship with his father. I understood what it was like as my own father often belittled and ridiculed almost every aspect of my life; however, moving into dorms allowed me to escape our smothering relationship. But in Todoroki's case, he is never able to escape the shadow of his father. Endeavor seemed to be everywhere due to media coverage and the expectations of others. I was snapped out of deep thought as we suddenly drove by a huge billboard with Endeavor's face plastered over it. 'How ironic,' I thought.
I began to look around as I felt the car slow and turn into a small parking lot. My heart was pounding at the thought of seeing his home and getting to know his parents more. I couldn't tell if it was from nervousness or excitement, but everything seemed to have a certain vibrancy to it. As if the world had come alive again.
"Here we are," Mrs. Bakugou announced as we wedged snugly in between two vehicles. I began to softly speak to Katsuki who was still sound asleep on my shoulder. He stirred a little until I saw his parents get out of the car and walk to the trunk.
"Kat....come on, wake up. We're at your house," I said, tugging on his coat sleeve. He groaned and sat up to which I leaned over to catch his lips in surprise. His eyebrows raised in shock and I felt him take in a sharp breath before slightly grinning into the kiss.
"Well now that you're awake, let's go help your parents with our luggage," I said slyly. He rolled his eyes at me and smiled as he opened the door and got out.
As I stepped out of the car, I noticed Mrs. Bakugou struggling to carry one of my bags and rushed over to assist her.
"Don't worry about this, Mrs. Bakugou. I'm just a heavy packer," I said, flashing her my signature sharp-toothed grin and chuckling softly.
"I can't say I'm not one myself," she laughed. "And you can call me Mitsuki if you'd like. There's no need in being so formal around us, dear," she carried on. My eyes lit up at the thought of her actually liking me. I glanced over to Bakugou who had clearly overheard as he had a growing smirk on his face and his cheeks were dusted with pink as he started off towards the building.
The interior of the apartment had a very homey appeal to it that instantly welcomed me. The plush decorations tastefully placed around added to the warmth and comfort that enveloped me as soon as I walked in. Wide windows lined the walls in the living room, letting in buckets of sunlight while providing a beautiful overview of the bustling city below. Bakugou had disappeared to put away our things as I admired his home.
The smell of Mitsuki's cooking filled my nose, making my mouth water and stomach growl. I heard Katsuki laugh lightly from behind me and felt as he placed a kiss on my neck, taking the suitcase I was still holding.
"You had better be hungry. My mom didn't know what you'd like for dinner so she made a little of everything," he said, walking towards a flight of stairs. I followed him out of curiosity to see the rest of the house. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, we stood in a hallway lined with photographs. As I reached one, I could make out a small Bakugou dressed up for Halloween as All Might.
"Awww! Is this you," I called out to him. He had walked into what I could only assume was his bedroom. I heard him quickly curse to himself, knowing exactly what I was referring to.
"Of all things to do here, you choose the most miserable for me, huh," he said, joining me in the hall. He smiled to himself and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close before answering.
"Yeah, that's me. I was probably around five and clearly going through my All Might phase," he said.
"'Phase?' No, that's when you started your All Might lifestyle," I joked.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
"What about this one," I said, pointing to a picture of him when he was slightly older, awkwardly smiling next to a red bicycle.
"That was taken on my seventh birthday. I remember first trying to ride that damn thing and I fell off, so I blew it up," he said, laughing loudly.
"Nothing much has changed then, I guess," I commented, laughing with him. "Did you ever get a new one?"
He shook his head bashfully causing me to gasp.
"So you're telling me you've never learned how to ride a bike," I asked, clearly shocked. He rolled his eyes and shrugged.
"I'm going to teach you how to ride a bike if it's the last thing I do."
"Fine...just don't tell anyone. I can't let people know that my weakness is a shitty bicycle," he said, trying to hide a smile. I nodded and draped my arms around his neck while he still held me by the waist. I leaned up a little, asking for a kiss to which he only smirked, playing hard to get. I gently took his bottom lip between my teeth, eventually sucking on it, earning a low moan to escape his throat. As I let go of his lip, I slowly slipped my tongue through his mouth, sighing as I felt around his wet cavern.
"Dinner is ready, boys!" I heard Mr. Bakugou call from downstairs. I felt as he pulled away, letting out a frustrated sigh and muttering. I laughed at his mini temper tantrum and tugged him by the hand to join his parents.
"This really does look delicious, Mitsuki," I said for the third time since sitting down. Pork cutlet bowls, various assortments of sushi, ramen, rice balls, and hibachi shrimp covered the table.
"Thank you, Kirishima. Really, you don't have to be so formal around us," she said, laughing at how overly mindful I was being. I was too nervous to move so I sat stiffly next to Bakugou, watching as everyone passed the food around. Soon enough, as if the gods felt me nearly shitting myself, Bakugou took my plate and asked what I wanted. I knew my face was practically glowing red from nerves at this point, but I quickly told him what to serve me.
As he set the plate in front of me, he leaned over to me. "Are you okay? Do you feel alright," he asked. To my surprise, he sounded a little panicked. I nodded and gently grabbed his hand for support. He intertwined our fingers under the table and tightened his grip on my hand to calm me. I let out a small breath I didn't know I was even holding and began eating.
"Kirishima is that your natural hair color, or do you color it," Mitsuki suddenly asked. My heart felt stuck in my throat as I tried to answer until I felt Bakugou grip my hand a little tighter.
"Uh, um, I color it," I respond.
"I really like it! I've been considering dying my hair, too, but I'm not sure how it would look on me," she said.
"You could always test it on Bakugou," I joked. The couple laughed lightly at my comment.
"I could, couldn't I? Dye it yellow and he'd look like a dandelion," Mr. Bakugou said, causing both Mitsuki and I to laugh at the thought of Bakugou resembling the flower.
"Whatever," he said as he glared down at his plate.


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