Chapter Three: Hidden World

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>Slight  NSFW<

As I started to wake up, streaks of white light crossed my vision resembling those of lightning strikes

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As I started to wake up, streaks of white light crossed my vision resembling those of lightning strikes. I opened my eyes and was instantly greeted with the perfectly calm face of Bakugou. He looked so more at peace in this state without any frowns or scornful looks being passed out. As I admired the handsome features of the man in front of me, the white streaks of light continued. I looked up to see the smiles of Mina, Kaminari, and Sero who, unsurprisingly, had their phones out to take pictures of me and Bakugou.
"Stop it! You might set him off. I swear he'll murder you all," I chuckled lightly as I blocked their camera's view with my hand.
I felt Bakugou beginning to stir and I tightened my arm around his waist to settle him back down. The other three, satisfied with their pictures, suddenly rushed out to get breakfast which left me and Bakugou alone. He began to mumble in his sleep which I will admit was quite adorable. His brows furrowed before he dreamily opened his eyes and locked my gaze. I felt an eruption of butterflies through my stomach and blushed heavily. He gave me one of his dopey, lopsided grins which only caused my blush to deepen.
"I wouldn't mind waking up to this more often," he said with a raspy voice.
"Ditto," I simply replied.
He moved his hand to cup my cheek as he leaned in for a gentle kiss. I couldn't get enough of this. The sweetness and care that he carried in his lips. The way he caused an eruption of butterflies in my stomach. I trailed my hand down his chest, pressing myself closer to him and moving my lips across his jaw. I felt him stiffen because of my actions before the door flew open allowing our lively and talkative friends to enter the room once more.
I looked to Bakugou and saw that he was very flustered and he took quick breaths as if there could never be enough oxygen to satisfy his lungs.
"Midoriya made pancakes this morning since he didn't make breakfast last week," Sero announced as he closed the door behind him, Kaminari, and Mina. He handed us plates they had made for us before plopping down on the bean bag sitting in the corner.
The usual chatter filled the room and Bakugou seemed to be quieter than he normally is, especially with the nonsense Kaminari carried on with. I looked to him and gave him a questioning look. He only blushed in response and continued to stare at his plate.
We hung out in Bakugou's dorm for the rest of the morning just talking about school drama, upcoming work we had to do, and any of the random questions from Kaminari. We had still yet to clear our dishes until Mina stood up to gather them.
"I have to go. I promised that me and the girls from our class would go shopping today," she said. Before she had left the room, Sero decided to join her.
"Come on, man. You're just gonna leave me like that," Kaminari asked.
"You told me you were going to retake a test today," Sero replied. Kaminari furrowed his brows and looked down at his Pikachu themed watch.
"Oh, shit! I was supposed to be there half an hour ago to take that bitch," Kaminari said as he leaped up from where he was and started to sprint down the hall to his dorm.
"Bye, guys," Mina and Sero said as they closed the door. Silence was the only thing left between me and Bakugou.
I felt the bed suddenly dip down beneath his weight as he made his way over to me. I smirked to myself as he ghosted his lips up the side of my neck. I felt as he breathed against me, moving slowly up my neck, across my jawline, then finally to my lips once I turned towards him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me back down on the bed so I was flush with his body. He pressed his lips against mine with a newfound passion and a certain intensity. He unexpectedly began to suck on my lower lip which caused my body to feel weak as if my bones were made of jelly. I let out a sound I never knew I could even make. As if on cue, he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip which I happily obliged to his request to deepen the kiss. I slipped my hand onto his hips to move him closer to me before he pulled away.
"Get dressed. We're going out," Bakugou stated smugly as he peeled himself from me and off the bed.
I had no idea where he wanted to take me, but I followed along and started my morning routine a blushing mess.
Half an hour later we were walking out the front gates of the school and headed towards town. The weather was quite pleasant today with the sun beaming down on us and a gentle breeze blowing through my hair. Few people were out of their house which was odd, especially it being the weekend but I wasn't complaining. As we walked, I noticed the close proximity of our hands and reached out to grab his. I thought for a moment that he would withdraw himself since we were in public but I was surprised to receive his thumb brush over my knuckles and give a reassuring squeeze.
"Where are we even going," I asked.
"You'll see, weird hair. Just be a little more damn patient, will you?"
I only laughed at his temper and began to add a spring to my step. I looked towards Bakugou and noticed his pink dusted cheeks.
We soon made our way into the old park that I grew up going to. Nothing had changed since I was a kid and the equipment was rusted and worn due to the years of use. It was kind of sad in a way.
I walked towards the old swing set that was placed farther back and secluded from the entrance of the park. I sat down in one of the seats and noticed the red paint chipping away from its railings.
"I used to go here, too," Bakugou said as though he was reading my mind. He stood in front of me and looked around as he seemed to be remembering past moments from his childhood.
"They really let this place go, huh? You know, I used to spend most of my time here as a kid," he said as he sat down on the seat next to mine.
"I'm surprised that we didn't meet each other sooner. I used to spend all summer out here," I said. I continued to take in the sad looking playground before me that once seemed so lively and welcoming.
"I wanted to show you my 'secret' place that I found as a kid," he said. He stood up and took my hand to lead my towards the trees and unkept shrubbery. He soon found what seemed to be a small trail through the greenery and led me further into the forest.
At the end of the trail, we emerged into a small meadow shrouded by a canopy of trees and I heard the faint trickle of a nearby stream. Everything felt so alive and calming as I stood there taking in my surroundings.
Bakugou only stood near the edge of the trees, watching me as though he expected an answer or some kind of approval from me.
"It's beautiful, Bakugou."


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