Chapter Twenty-One: Good For You

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"I trust that you two will behave if you share a room," Mitsuki asked before we all went to bed

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"I trust that you two will behave if you share a room," Mitsuki asked before we all went to bed.
"Of course you can, you old bat. We're not stupid," Bakugou retorted in a muffled voice as he was brushing his teeth. I nudged him and placed my index finger under his chin so he was looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at his attitude causing him to mutter an apology to his mother. He simply looked into the mirror with a light blush dusting his cheeks as she disappeared down the hallway. As he reached over to grab a towel, I found myself examining all of the small movements he made. They seemed so familiar yet so different than what they had been before.
'Maybe I really have changed him,' I thought to myself for a moment.
His brows that once stayed furrowed now relaxed and even quirked upwards in contentment. His lips now curled into a small smile as he carried about his business versus the previous scowl he used to constantly hold in its place. The rumbling sounds that would once erupt from his throat in anger were now replaced with sweet, childish hums. His youth was more noticeable now as he looked over his shoulder to meet my gaze.
"It's a lot more useful if you keep the toothpaste in your mouth, you know," he commented smugly, leaning back against the bathroom counter. I looked down and realized I had been drooling. He laughed as I tried to wipe my face and threw his towel at me before walking out and towards his bedroom.
I was greeted with the sight of Bakugou tiredly sprawled out across his bed after I finished in the bathroom.
"Someone's tired, huh?"
He gave a small grunt in response and turned his head to look at me.
"I feel sore—like, everywhere," he said. "I'm not used to sitting around like this."
"My poor Baku-baby feels bad," I cooed teasingly. He hummed in response, too tired to argue.
"You want me to rub your back," I asked, walking towards the bed. He grabbed a pillow and laid it under his neck as I sat on his lower body.
"This would work a lot better if you took your shirt off."
I noticed as his face turned a shade darker before he removed his top, rendering me speechless despite seeing his chest several times. I let my hands wander around his muscles and watched as they relaxed and tensed under my touch.
After a few moments of silence, I massaged a spot under his shoulder blade causing him to groan softly.
"Does that feel good," I asked.
"Fuck yes. Do it again," he breathed out in a husky voice.
I continued to massage his back until I became more focused on placing kisses across his back.
"That feels even better," he laughed, his eyes closed as he began to drift off to sleep.  I leaned up to pepper kisses along his shoulders and gently push the hair out of his face.
"Can I ask you something," I asked as I rolled off his back and onto the bed. He pulled me into his arms and cracked open his eyes to look at me.
"Of course you can," he said, slightly knitting his eyebrows together in concern. I took in a deep breath.
"Your mom told me that you left before. Is that true?"
I felt him stir before he answered.
"Yeah I-I did," he stuttered. I reached up to cup his cheek in an attempt to comfort him.
He avoided my gaze and hesitated.
"You don't have to answer. I was just curious, you know. If it was something too personal-"
He gently placed his lips on mine to silence my ramblings. There was a long pause before he took a deep breath.
"I left that night because I was scared. I was scared, Ei," he choked out, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"I told myself that I'd give you everything. I didn't want to lose you. I built myself a house out of the idea of you, but when I-" he sobbed. "When I fucking hurt you... it was like taking each brick from the walls until it just collapsed, I guess. I did the only thing I knew when my mind gets that crowded. I ran. I kept going until I couldn't anymore. I didn't intend to go anywhere, but I somehow ended up at the park. I felt like I could never escape what I had done."
"And I'm still so damn confused as to why you still look at me like that," he smiled through another cry. "I feel like I've given you the most miserable life and yet you still say you love me."
I felt my heart drop at his words as they dripped with such genuine sadness.
"You've made me the happiest I've ever been, Kat," I hiccuped. "No matter what has happened between us, no matter all of this doubt you feel, no matter how I look, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you've given me. I love you, Katsuki. I love you so much."
I cried into his chest and caught his lips in a passionate kiss filled with warmth and all of the genuine love I had to offer.
I heard him mutter between our exchange, "I love you, too," several times as he began to reciprocate the kiss with more emotion. His touch was like cotton and his words were like silk. The once rude and short-tempered boy had morphed into a caring and gentle person. He also accepted that he was only human. He allowed his insecurities to be shared and discovered that he wouldn't be alone in his pain.
I felt infinite with him.
I felt one with him.
"I couldn't live this life without you, Katsuki."
Two Months Later
"C'mon, babe! Just close your eyes for a little bit," I begged excitedly. It was finally Saturday and my "special surprise" had finally arrived for Bakugou. Everyone in Class 1-A gladly pitched in once I told them a few weeks ago.
"I'm not falling for another one of you and Kaminari's pranks," he said.
"Oh! What happened to 'Pikachu,' Blasty," Kaminari asked with a smirk.
Bakugou suddenly opened his eyes to argue with the electric blonde until I quickly covered his eyes while Sero wheeled the present in. Mina skipped into the common room with the rest of the class with a big, red bow in her hand and placed it on the handle before giving me a thumbs up.
"Alright, Baku! Ready?"
"Just let me see," he laughed, shoving my hands from his face.
He stopped in his tracks, slightly shocked at the gift. In the middle of the common room sat a brand new bike. Sero let out a long whistle in admiration as he too stared at the bike.
"So? What do you think," I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind.
"This is... I mean, really," he started.
"Well? Let's go! A bike is much better when you ride it," Kaminari cheered, grabbing Mina by the hand, leading her outside. They laughed loudly as they made their way outside followed by Sero. I looked towards my boyfriend and took the bike by the handles, leading it outside.
After a couple of hours, Bakugou finally got the hang of riding a bike and took off without my assistance. I stood in the grass with the rest of the group, cheering as he slowly gained speed.
He insisted to the others that he was simply "rusty" with riding a bike and needed a refresher to cover the fact that he never learned. What he doesn't know is that I already told everyone the truth prior to ordering the bike which is why they all pitched in. But what he doesn't know won't hurt him so I let him enjoy his moment.
He sped past us a few moments later to which we all cheered again and chanted his name in unison.
Everyone's hearts suddenly came to a halt once we heard the bike's tires screech.


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