Chapter Thirteen: Silent Nights

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I sat by the window of my stuffy hospital room, looking across the frozen courtyard

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I sat by the window of my stuffy hospital room, looking across the frozen courtyard. It had been a couple of days since I woke up, and surprisingly enough, it hasn't been easy. Recovery Girl told me that I would need about three months of physical therapy in order to regain my strength. For now, I'm just ready to go back to my normal life. I'm especially tired of people treating me like a glass statue that could shatter at the slightest of movement.
I heard the creak of my door opening and turned to see a pair of fiery eyes.
But then there's Bakugou.
It's almost as if he's avoiding me. Like he's scared of me. I haven't questioned him about his strange behavior though. I know how he is.
I then focused my attention on the shopping bag that he had brought in.
"What's in the bag?" I questioned.
"Hmm? Oh, it's just some headbands for you. I know you said the other night that your hair keeps getting in your eyes, so I figured you could use them until you get your hair cut," he said while packing some of my personal items in a duffel bag. He then handed me the bag. I looked inside to see several headbands within the bag, choosing a simple white one. After fixing my hair, I looked up to see Bakugou staring at me with a dark blush.
"What?" I asked with a slight laugh.
He only shook his head and resumed packing the last of my things. I smiled at the thought of him being this soft around me. As he zipped up the bag, I extended my arms towards him. He took the hint and walked over to me with a smirk plastered across his face. He squatted in front of my chair as I wrapped my hands around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. I felt as he placed his hands on my thighs, squeezing them slightly, while he leaned into my touch. I swiped my thumb across his bottom lip before initiating a kiss.
He began to kiss back and soon licked my lower lip, requesting entrance which I gladly granted. His hands eventually started to tremble and lose their grip around my legs. I broke away and gave a worried look.
"What is it, Katsuki?"
"It's...nothing. Don't worry about it too much, alright?"
I placed my hands on top of his trembling ones and asked if there was anything I could do. Once again, he brushed it off and kissed my chin before standing up. He did look pretty tired, I thought as I noted the dark marks under his eyes. Maybe that's all, yeah, he might just be tired.
"You ready to back to the dorms?" he asked, reaching for the wheelchair Recovery Girl suggested I use. I looked up to him with a smile full of excitement and nodded my head.
Upon arriving at the dormitory, I was greeted with a brightly decorated common area. Balloons, streamers, and confetti were spread around the room along with a banner reading "Welcome Home Kirishima." Many of my classmates gathered around me to give hugs and a few gifts. I gladly thanked everyone for the surprise after I heard Bakugou heave an annoyed sigh from behind me and rolled over to the elevator.
Once we had reached my room, we unpacked my things from the medical ward, which wasn't much. I eventually decided to change into my pajamas and as I was changing my shirt, I noticed Bakugou nearly grimacing at the sight of my chest. I looked in the mirror and saw how frail I had become. I looked almost sickly in this state, especially with the giant burn wrapping around my abdomen. I hastily put my shirt on as Bakugou started moving towards me.
"It's not what you think," he said, once again squatting in front of me.
"I know you saw, Baku. I look horrible," I said, looking down at my lap as I spoke. "I wasn't strong enough. I thought I could at least fight back, but I couldn't even do that and I guess I just...broke," I said, tears welling up. "I'm not a real hero, Kat."
There was a long pause of silence. I could see him focusing on something as his eyebrows were knitted together. I felt as anxiety gradually crept up on me and held me by the throat causing my chest to tighten. I don't know what I was so afraid of. I was just scared. My eyes began to well up in tears and I let out a small sob in which Bakugou took notice to.
"Eijirou, look at me," he said, cupping his hands around my cheeks. "Don't cry. I'm just worried about you. Okay? I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that I've never cared about someone like this and I don't want to do anything wrong," he confessed, leaning in closer to my face.
"Besides, you're my hero," he whispered in my ear. I looked at him through a teary gaze and kissed his nose, almost as if I was telling him that I'd be fine. He nuzzled his face into my neck and began to rub soothing circles into my back while I played with his hair.
"Let's go to bed," Bakugou suddenly suggested.
"It's only seven-thirty," I started, but still reached out when he offered his hand. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he held onto my waist. He walked back towards my bed while still supporting me on my feet. My legs hurt a little and felt like jelly as I took my first steps but eventually got used to it. He lowered me down on my freshly made bed and wrapped me in my blankets before kissing my temple.
"Aren't you going to stay?" I asked as he started moving to the door.
"I'm just going to go to my room for tonight," he said.
"Oh, okay. Good night then," I said softly.
He then closed the door with a soft click, leaving me to stare around in the darkness once again.


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