Chapter Fourteen: My Dear Emotions

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I exited the work out room of our school after my third complete week of physical therapy

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I exited the work out room of our school after my third complete week of physical therapy. I had regained almost complete mobility of my lower body and began working on my upper half. Despite the slight limp, I was able to walk independently but Bakugou insisted on accompanying me to my appointments. He had still been acting strange around me and kept his distance for the most part. Luckily, he started sleeping over in my room again; however, he majorly rested in my desk chair beside my bed. I felt lonely despite his presence as he constantly remained in a state of withdrawal and anxiety. The boy I fell for had seemingly been swallowed by a lifeless mold, filled with secrets. I look over at him and take hold of his hand as he kept a sad, distant expression on his face. I rub soothing patterns along his thumb in an attempt to comfort him as we entered the common room where our friends sat.
It was a Saturday afternoon and everyone seemed to be bustling about the dorms, decorating for the holidays. A glittering tree sat in the corner with a variety of ornaments scattered about its branches. Asui assisted Uraraka in placing the star on top as the brunette was floating around the room. Momo and Jirou were adding the finishing touches on the festive wreaths while Midoriya and Todoroki hung garland along the walls. I spotted Mina, Sero, and Kaminari decorating their own stockings at one of the tables. Katsuki and I made our way towards them and saw their rather "expressive" work. Well, it looked more like an explosion of glitter with each of their names sloppily traced along the top.
Each of our friends looked up at us with glitter-covered faces.
"Denki started it," Mina and Sero said in unison.
Kaminari looked at them and brushed the excess glitter off his hands and onto their clothes, only proving Mina and Sero's claim. Mina thumped his forehead as I sat down next to Sero and grabbed one of the unused stockings, beginning to decorate it. After a while, Bakugou sat down across from me and followed suit, using stencils Momo created to write his name.
I wrote out my hero name, Red Riot, in big, bold letters and attempt to draw a few sharks since Denki suggested it. I also scattered little explosions around the stocking, which caught Bakugou's attention. He looked at me with a smirk and revealed my initials written below his name. I blushed and rolled my eyes to which Mina noticed and caught sight of what was happening.
"Oh my god, you two! You're both killing me," she squealed. She took Denki's hand and started pretending to confess her love to him.
"Denki...I can't live another day without you!" she said.
"Will you marry me, Mina?" he continued. She pretended to faint in his arms and they began to giggle relentlessly. I lightly punched Denki's arm and laughed with them, looking over to see Bakugou with a pink tint covering his face.
"Is the Great Bakugou really embarrassed," Sero questioned.
"Shut your damn mouth, Soy Sauce!" he said with a slightly higher-pitched voice. This of course only made the rest of the group laugh harder.
Bakugou and I stood next to one another in the elevator, going up to his room. Once we reached his door, he was rummaging through his pockets to find his key when I had an idea. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gently peppered kisses along the back of his neck. He stopped in the middle of turning his key and let out a low groan. I smirked and buried my face in his shoulder, breathing in his caramel scent. As quick as it started, he entered his room without another thought. He flopped on his bed with a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes.
"What's wrong, Kat?" I asked, making my way over to his bed. He cracked one eye open and gave me a weak smile.
"It's nothing," he said and closed his eyes again. I made my way over to his bed and straddled his hips. I had to sit my full weight on his lap since my legs began to tire out and shake.
"Ei, don't," he groaned out. I stopped and gave him a strange look as he got off of the bed and walked out of the room. I sat there in silence, trying to figure out what had just happened.
It had been a few hours since he left. I didn't know what caused it or if he was coming back tonight. I jumped once I heard my phone buzz from the nightstand next to his bed. It was a text from Bakugou that only listed his location and two words: I'm sorry.
I grabbed one of Katsuki's jackets and left the room. As I made my way down the stairs, my legs began to ache from using them all day. I limped down the hall to the exit and made my way down the street to the old park. The air had a bitterness to it that chilled my bones and brought me back to the night I thought I lost Bakugou forever. I remember the fear written across his face as he was pulled through the portal with the League of Villains. The way my heart broke to pieces that night still leaves me feeling shaken and defenseless. Despite the success of our rescue, I will never forget that feeling of defeat and emptiness that consumed me when I learned that he had been so easily taken from my grasp.
I turned the corner and made my way through the shabby entrance of my childhood park. Of course, the land was barren and empty of people and any attempts of repairing the place were nonexistent. I made my way to the cluster of shrubbery and brushed aside some of the limbs and bushes, eventually coming into a clearing. I was met with the familiar sound of a running stream. A few crows called out, breaking through the familiar silence and bringing me back to reality. As I looked around, I saw a familiar tuft of blonde hair sitting along a line of trees, staring upwards at the sky. I timidly walked over to him and sat down, wincing slightly. He looked at me in concern and took hold of my hand. We sat there for a moment without saying anything, just looking at the night sky. He looked beautiful sitting here with me gazing up at the stars. Little did he know, he was the real star. He was the one the world was looking at. He took a deep breath, tears forming in his eyes, and gently placed his head on my shoulder. I heard as he began to cry and felt the way his body shook against mine as waves of guilt washed over him. I put an arm around him and lifted his face to look at mine. He had the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise.
"What the fuck is going on inside my head, Ei?" he said, laughing lightly through a sob.


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