Chapter Twenty-Two (7k Special)

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⚠️⚠️NSFW Warning⚠️⚠️

"Your total is ¥2,000," the cashier told him before he politely handed her a few waded up bills

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"Your total is ¥2,000," the cashier told him before he politely handed her a few waded up bills.
As she sifted through the register, counting his change, he nervously crammed his fists into the pockets of his cargo shorts, rocking slightly from his heels to the tips of his toes. I decided to keep my head down instead of letting my questioning gaze linger on his nervous actions.
As the cashier handed Katsuki his change, I grabbed the plastic shopping bag from the counter and headed for the exit of the drug store after wishing the woman a good day. He continued to follow close behind me as we walked to our bikes parked near the store, his leaning against the base of a tree and mine, unsurprisingly, laying in the grass. I leaned down, grabbing the bicycle's handles, and brought it back in an upwards position; yet, I looked over in his direction and chuckled at his nervousness. His gaze quickly darted to mine, slightly annoyed but still loving.
"What are you so nervous about? We've done this before," I said, causing him to scoff a little at me. Instead of responding, he swung his leg over the bike and peddled off, leaving me in his dust—quite literally. I called his name as I raced after him, laughing the entire way to the dorms; yet, he peddled faster with a quiet smile plastered on his lips.
Later that evening, I was in his dorm room, patiently waiting for him to return with what he needed. I had already mixed the cherry red dye in a small plastic bowl but had forgotten to bring some gloves upstairs with us.
"Dumbass," he said as he walked over to the door. "I have to do everything myself."
"Sorry, Kat," I singsonged before he closed the door.
Soon enough, he had returned with a pair of electric blue latex gloves and pulled out his chair for me to sit down as he stood behind me, leaning against his desk. He pulled the bandanna from around my head and gently combed his fingers through my hair and brushed it from my eyes. I had let my hair grow out over the last few months, so now it rested just above my shoulder blades. I loved it when Katsuki would play with my hair so I sighed and leaned into his touch before I felt his lips plant a kiss on top of my head and he soon wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Holding me tightly as he kissed from my temple to my cheek, and down my neck, I allowed my hands to creep up and grip biceps.
"Only you could make me do these things," he mumbled against my collar.
"What do you mean," I asked, giggling at his comment.
"I would have never thought in a million years that I would ever be forced to wear ridiculously oversized gloves because a pretty boy wanted me to dye his hair."
"Aww, I'm pretty?"
"Don't push it, love"
"I'm pretty and I'm your love? I would have never thought in a million years that Katsuki Bakugou would say that to me," I laughed, nuzzling my cheek into his ashy, blonde hair.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he mocked, leaning upwards and grabbing the bowl.
I heard the brush scrape against the sides of the container before feeling its coldness make contact with my scalp. He began to strategically paint my faded hair back to life, making sure to cover every strand.
Even still, I knew he was nervous as I felt his hands tremble slightly each time he hovered over the roots of my hair. He had done this several times before, so I didn't know why he was so anxious about it now. Thinking about it, he had been nervous all day.
'This is going to bother me if I don't ask,' I thought to myself. 'Even though this isn't like him to keep things from me, I don't want to seem like I'm prying.'
We continued in silence for what felt like hours before he gently spoke.
"You're thinking. That's never a good thing," he teased.
"It's never done us any good, has it," I joked back, letting my laughter trail off longingly.
"What's bothering you, Ei?"
I sighed as I shifted in my chair a little.
"I was just worried about you," I stated bluntly. His movements stopped for a moment.
"Why are you worried about me," he questioned, laughing a little in confusion.
"You've just seemed nervous today. It's probably nothing, but I just thought I might have done something to upset you."
He stilled his movements again before spinning the chair so that I faced him. He leaned down so our eyes could meet. His glittering red eyes matched his fiery personality. Always shining, even in the dark.
He let out a sigh before stepping over to his bed, reaching towards the shopping bag from the drug store. He pulled something small and shiny out of the bag and turned back towards me.
Between his fingers, he held out a silver ring, sparsely embroidered with plastic gems across the top of the band. I looked back up at him after a moment. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and he bit his bottom lip as he looked down at me, the same intensity present in his gaze as before.
"I wanted to wait to give this to you, but I guess you're just too damn nosy to wait," he teased.
I couldn't help but smile as I held my hand out for him to place the ring on my finger. 
"You better not think of this as a marriage proposal or something," he paused, "because I want you to wear this until I can get you a proper ring instead of this piece of shit."
"I'll wear this piece of shit with pride, Kat," I said, tears brimming my eyes. I knew I looked like a mess, my hair halfway dyed and blushing wildly, but I kept smiling like an idiot. I reached up, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss, yet he broke away quickly.
"I'm trying to dye your hair, I don't need you accidentally dying mine," he breathed against my lips as I pouted. Upon seeing this, he kissed the tip of my nose and continued his work on top of my head.
The alarm Bakugou had set on his phone had finally sounded off, meaning that I could shower. I silently thanked the timer for going off because the chemicals were making my scalp itch like crazy. He soon reached over to his night table and grabbed his phone, silencing the alarm.
"Go ahead to the showers," he said, but before he had finished, I was out the door and darting to the bathrooms, pajamas, and toiletries in hand.
Once I had reached the bathroom, I darted past the last few of my classmates finishing their nightly routines before slipping into a shower stall. I was careful when pulling my shirt over my head but quickly stripped the rest of my clothing off and into a pile in the corner of the stall.
I turned the nozzle and felt the warmth of the water rush over my skin. I hummed to myself in content as the itching sensation on my scalp was soon subdued as I lathered shampoo into my hair. A pair of hands suddenly snaked their way around my waist, startling me and causing me to let out a small shriek of surprise. As I turned around, I was met with the passionate gaze from Katsuki as he reached up to cup my face in his warm hands, attempting to comfort me.
"You scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry," he mumbled against my cheek, pecking at it as an apology.
I let my eyes linger lower down his body, blushing softly at the sight of his bare skin.
"Kat, you're n-not wearing any clothes," I stuttered.
I felt him smirk against my skin as he made his way down my neck, suckling under my ear, eliciting a shuddered breath from my chest.
"Well, we are in the shower. Clothes aren't recommended."
I felt my breath hitch as he let his touch travel down my chest, to my stomach, to my hips. He continued to smother my neck in gentle kisses as he ran his thumb in circles on the sides of my hips.
"Is this okay," he asked, ghosting his mouth over mine. I looked down to his lips as I nodded, turning to face him and capturing his bottom lip between my pointed teeth. I felt his hand wrap around my waist and up my back, massaging the chapped area of skin as I connected our lips. He easily slipped his tongue into my mouth and caressed my wet cavern, scraping his tongue over each tooth.
I began to suck on his tongue before inhaling sharply as I felt him slide a finger between my buttocks, encouraging my hole to losen. I tightly wound my arms around his neck as I moaned softly.
"Can we go back to your room," I breathlessly asked, breaking away from our kiss.  
He reached behind me and turned the water off and rejoined our lips. He then guided me over to our clothes, still connected. He grabbed one of the towels and dried me off, leaning down to kiss across my collarbones as he ran the towel over my body.
Before I knew it, he had pulled me into my boxers and dressed himself then pulling me down the hall into his room. He closed the door behind himself and locked it, pressing me against it lightly as he resumed peppering kisses along my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, pulling it over his head so that we both stood in our boxers. I pressed my forehead against his as I let my eyes travel down his body. From his broad shoulders, down to his perfectly sculpted chest, down his stomach, and to the bulge that was restrained within his underwear. I breathily moaned as I examined his figure, his strong hands gripping my hips and gently guiding me towards his bed.
He reconnected our lips for a chaste kiss once I felt the backs of my thighs brush against the plush blankets he had scattered across his bed. He gently nudged me backward so that I sat on the mattress, my legs parted slightly as he nestled between them, pressing his palm against my erection.
"Katsuki! Please don't tease me," I begged, but I knew from the devilish smirk on his face that he had other plans.
He nuzzled against my neck as I moaned, lapping at the scars littered across the skin. Eventually, he moved his lips downward in response to my bucking hips, nipping at my collarbones then at my nipples. I threaded my fingers through his damp hair, pressing him to my chest as he began to suck the supple area. My back arched into his body as I felt him roll the bud between his teeth and sloppily lick and kiss over the indentions his teeth had left.
I shuddered as he trailed a feather-like touch down my abdomen and to the waistband of my underwear, hooking his fingers under the material causing my breath to hitch and my gaze to flick to him. He looked at me wearily because of my sudden reaction.
Instead of saying anything, I leaned up to quickly pull my boxers from around my hips and throw them next to his bed, leaving me bare underneath him. He continued to look at me, loving and patient, before crouching onto the ground between my knees, his face breathing gently over my taint, causing me to shiver and moan his name. I laid back, grabbing a pillow to put underneath my head and gripped tightly onto the comforter as he peppered kisses along the insides of my thighs.
For a moment, he retreated from me and began rummaging through his bedside table in search of something. It was only when I heard the familiar snapping of a lid and rattling of plastic that I realized he had retrieved a bottle of lubricant and a condom. I watched him quietly through half-lidded eyes as he generously drizzled the substance over his fingers, then using his other hand, he spread my legs apart to gain better access to me.
He looked at me before he prodded a digit against my entrance, gradually allowing the finger to be engulfed entirely by me. I reached my hands above my head and let out a shaky breath I hadn't realized I was holding.
After a moment, he slipped a second finger within my walls and began thrusting them into my hole. My breathing quickened as he sped his thrusts, eventually adding a third finger inside of me. My voice cracked as I moaned out to him.
"Katsuki, please! I want you," I whimpered.
"You're so good for me, Eijiro," he said, leaning over to kiss my cheek as he thrusted his fingers a few more times before pulling them out.
He quickly reached down to grab his own boxers, freeing himself of their restraint and letting his cock hit the air. I reached towards my own erection at the sight and began to slowly pump my hand along my dick. A thin layer of come had collected on my stomach as my length drooled from excitement. I continued my actions as he tore the condom from its packaging and placing it over himself, moaning as he experimentally jerked his cock a few times. He irritably grabbed my hand from touching myself and placed it on my hip while he clasped over top of it, holding my hips steady before he pushed the tip of his cock into me. I threw my head back and whimpered in discomfort.
He leaned down to my level again and captured my lips in a deep, comforting kiss meant to distract me from the sharp pressure between my legs. I slid my free hand along his cheek, gasping and pulling him closer to me as he pushed further into me with a groan.
Once he was fully settled inside of me, I rocked against his hips to which he moaned gruffly. I tussled the back of his hair slightly as I let out a breathy laugh, signaling to him that I was ready. He quickly snapped his hips back and pressed into me, grinding against me as he bottomed out. It felt as though I had lost my breath entirely as he repeated his actions, gazing down at me as he did so, biting his lip between his teeth smugly.
I moaned loudly as he directed a thrust into my prostate. He groaned as I tightened around his dick, wrapping my legs around his waist to press him further against me. I felt a certain warmth pool in the pit of my stomach as he rammed into me.
"I'm going to come, Kat! I'm so close," I moaned, gripping tightly onto his upper arm.
"Eijiro," he breathily moaned into my ear.
I sighed as he called my name, knitting my eyebrows together as I orgasmed, come painting both of our bellies.
His breath hitched before he moaned deeply as I tightened around him. He pressed into me a few more times before he climaxed, shallowly thrusting as he milked his cock.
Everything was still for a few moments as we tried to catch our breath.
He swallowed thickly as he pulled out to which I moaned softly, gripping his hands before he took off the condom, tying it off and trashing it.
My body felt heavy with exhaustion, leaving me almost paralyzed where I was; nevertheless, Bakugou sighed and laid down on top of me, his chin pressed to my chest as he placed kisses between my pectorals. I wrapped my arms around him as I closed my eyes.
"I love you, Eijiro," he whispered.
Exhaustion had overcome my body to where I couldn't respond—I could only rub my hands in his hair in an attempt to pat his head.
I heard his laughter chime through the room before I happily drifted off to sleep.


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