Video call

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"Namjoon!" You blurted out as you wake up. You found your bed to be cold and empty. You missed his muscular arm that you dreamt was wrapped around you as much as you missed the scent of him. Not seeing him for awhile had been tough for you. Sleeping alone every night had been tough for you. Just being alone without him is tough for you.

//Incoming video call//

The sound of your ringtone wakes you from your daydream. You grabs your phone to see who is it from. Namjoon. You instantly smile before you quickly presses the green button on your screen.

"Hey love" Namjoon said, his face is showing on your phone. It has been two months since you saw him. Namjoon and the members has been busy with their comeback, promotions and concert tours. Although he is busy, he will always try to call you everyday to make sure you won't miss him too much, and you and him don't grow distant from each other. "Hey baby.." you said excitedly. "I miss you. I want to call you yesterday but my phone died and I don't have my charger." he explains, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay." you simply reply, smiling at him. "I miss you too." you add. He just smile upon seeing you smile. "Damn I miss that smile.." he mutters, trying to touch you through his phone screen, making you giggle. "Have you been taking care of yourself, love?" he ask, frowning his eyebrows. "Yes sir I have. I promise." He just laugh at your reply, before his face softened, knowing that you are taking care of yourself. "What about you, baby? You are not working yourself too hard right?" you ask him. "No maam, don't worry" he reply, grinning at you, making you laugh.

He stretch his body for awhile before lying down on his bed. "Tired?" you ask him, slightly pouting. He just flashes you a smile and shakes his head. You smile back at him, pulling your blanket up. You stay like that for hours, listening to Namjoon telling you about his day, his performances, his interviews, his fans. Every now and then he will yawn but quickly deny the fact that he is sleepy so he can talk to you. You could sense his tiredness, you want to let him go to sleep although part of you want to keep talking to him because you miss him so much. "I wish you were here.." he mutters slowly. "Me too baby. I miss you so much" you sigh deeply. "Baby you really had a long day. I can tell that you are tired. I will let you get some rest, okay?" you said, caressing your phone screen like you would be caressing his cheek if he is in front of you. "I will call you again tomorrow okay?" he reply, smiling lightly. You nod at him, smiling back. "Goodnight love, sleep well.." you blew him a kiss. He make a gesture like he is capturing your kiss and putting it on his chest, before blowing a kiss to you in return. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you." he reply, waving at you before giving you a finger heart. "I love you more baby" you reply before ending the call.

You put your phone aside and exhale deeply. You shift your blanket aside and get off the bed to take your shower. You strip down and step slowly into the tub, turning the water on high and letting it beat over your head in steamy rivulets. Closing your eyes to the water as the heat soaks into your skin, you lean against the cool tiles. You were awaken by the sound of your ringtone, again. You quickly steps out of the shower, wraps a towel around you before scurrying over to your bed to answer the call.

"Yes Jimin.."
"Are you busy noona?"
"Not at the moment. Why Jimin? Wait, isn't it night at where you are right now?"
*giggling* "Yes noona it is.."
"Why are you still awake?"
"Noona I have an idea.."
"What is it?"

You heard shuffling at the other side before someone else took the phone.

"Noona this is Jungkook.."
"Yes Jungkook, what is it?"
"Do you want to come here and surprise Joonie hyung?"
"He keeps saying your name in his sleep. He misses you, noona. We've been thinking to bring you over here to surprise him."
"We? Who's we?"
"Me, Jiminie hyung and Taehyungie hyung"
"Really? You would do that?"
"Yes noona.. I will send the ticket and our hotel detail to you later."
"Thanks guys. Seriously.."
"No problem noona.."

A few minutes later you receive a text from Jungkook, containing your ticket information and their hotel details. That's it, you're going to see Namjoon tomorrow. You leap in joy before start packing your things, as your flight will be in the morning tomorrow.


After the dreadful 13 hours flight, you finally arrived in US. You finally going to see Namjoon again. You grab your phone and send Jimin a text, telling him you have arrived.

You slide your phone back into your pocket and wait for Sejin, their manager

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You slide your phone back into your pocket and wait for Sejin, their manager. A few moments later you saw Sejin waving at you, motioning you to come to his car. You grab your suitcase and hurry to his car, and after a few minutes drive, you finally arrived at the hotel they are staying. You sigh deeply. Part of you are excited to meet Namjoon, part of you are worried if he going to hate you for going all the way there to meet him. Sejin escorts you into the hotel, to Jimin's room. When you are finally in front of room 410, you thank Sejin and he leaves you there. You take a deep breathe and carefully knock on the door.

*Knock knock*

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